XI (End)

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Hey readers!

It's Cheddarr here for a quick second. I just wanted to let you guys know that there's a song in this chapter! Wahoo! I wrote the lyrics to it, but there's no music accompaniment. Imagine the tune however you want, just enjoy the words!


I stood at Oskar's doorstep, my foot tapping nervously. Taking a deep breath, I pressed his doorbell, the chime ringing through the house. I heard someone approach the door, then it pulled open to reveal Oskar's mom. She smiled upon seeing me, opening the door wide.

"Callum!" She said cheerfully. "How are you doing?"

I smiled. "I'm doing great, Mrs. Hashim. How are you?"

"I'm doing fantastic! The twins have been a bit of trouble, but nothing bad," she raised an eyebrow in amusement. "I'm guessing you came to see Oskar?"

"If that troublemaker hasn't been too rowdy."

She laughed, stepping aside. "Come on in."

I stepped into the house, greeted by a rush of warm air. Mrs. Hashim closed the door behind me, then stepped over to the stairs.

"Oskar! Callum is here to see you!" She turned to me. "He'll be down in a second. Would you like some water?"

I nodded. She moved past me to the kitchen, gesturing for me to sit down at the counter. I gingerly took a seat, resting my arms on the cool marble. Mrs. Hashim grabbed a glass from a small cabinet and filled it up in the sink, handing it to me.

"Our tap water is safe to drink," she said off of my unsure look. I smiled awkwardly, grabbing the glass.

"Sorry, I have old piping so we typically don't drink tap," I said. She nodded.

"Not many people do or can. We're lucky to be able to."

I took a sip of the water, surprised at how good it tasted. It was just the perfect level of cool, and only had a small trace of a minerally taste. Before I knew it, I had drained the whole glass, and Mrs. Hashim was looking at me with a grin.

"It's very good," I said sheepishly, setting the glass down. She laughed.

"I always tried telling Dorian that, but he never believed me. Glad you like it, I'll get you some more."

I cocked my head as she went to refill the glass. "Dorian?"

"My eldest son, he's Oskar and Tasha's brother. He's off in college right now as a film major."

"He always loved movies, particularly scary ones."

I turned to the stairs, where Oskar was standing. His face was slightly flushed and his hair was matted down, sweat dripping down his neck and staining the neck of his shirt. Somehow, he looked even more gorgeous than usual.

"That's true," Mrs. Hashim said, laughing. "He even made his own. Called it 'The House.'"

"The true nightmare was the mess he made when filming."

"God, I will never forget trying to wash fake blood from that carpet."

I grinned. "Sounds like he was a handful."

Mrs. Hashim sighed nostalgically. "He was, but I wouldn't trade it for the world."

"Neither would I," Oskar turned to me, a goofy grin taking over his face. "What're you doing here?"

"I came here to see you, silly."

"Well duh, but why?"

"It's a surprise."

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