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Twenty minutes later, I had undressed from my uniform and was in a light blue hoodie and gray sweatpants. I hurried to my car against the chilly spring air, hopping into the driver's seat. I turned it on and was about to put it into drive when I suddenly realized I had no clue where I was going.

Uh, what's your address? I quickly typed. A couple seconds later, he sent back his address with a laughing emoji.

I plugged the destination into my phone and set it in the cupholder, the robot voice screaming directions. It made me cringe at how loud it was, but I didn't change the volume. I listened to the directions better when it felt like Gordon Ramsey was screaming them at me.

I passed by several beautiful houses on my way to his home. Each one was large, freshly painted, and contained expansive yards that were almost as large as their houses. Resilient buds were springing up from the newly thawed ground in the yards, desperate to become part of the rich display.

After a few turns and several wealthy houses, my GPS screamed for me to turn right into the driveway. Not wanting to be called a donkey, I followed its instructions, pulling up through the tarred driveway.

In front of me was a beautiful, royal blue house that looked to be freshly painted. The front of the house contained several large windows and a small, covered porch that extended from the front door. I marveled at the three stories it contained as I shut off my car and stepped out.

"You made it!" Oskar called from the front door. "And you're two minutes early!"

I smiled. "I like to be fashionable early."

He rolled his eyes as I climbed the stairs. "That's not a thing."

"Is too."

"Is not."

"Is too."

"Would you two stop bickering like a married couple and get in the house?"

A short, platinum blond woman stood behind Oskar, her hands on her hips. She had the same blue eyes as Oskar, but hers were much paler, looking like shards of ice. She looked about our age, but had an aura of maturity that made it seem as though she was much older.

My face flushed red at the comment, and Oskar glared. "We're not bickering."

"Yes you are. Now get in here, you're letting the precious heat out."

Oskar rolled his eyes, then dramatically bowed, gesturing for me to enter. I smiled, gingerly stepping inside. Oskar shut the door behind me before sticking his tongue out at the woman, making her sigh.

"Cal, this is my twin sister, Tasha. Tasha, this is Cal."

"Twin sister?" I asked curiously. They looked similar, but not by a lot. Varying shades of blond hair, dark blue eyes versus pale blue, and a slight facial resemblance.

"I know, hard to believe," she commented duly. "This one acts like he's two."

Oskar mimicked her, screwing his face up to look like a muppet. I snickered, covering my mouth. Tasha glared at me and then her brother. He stopped, copying her pose and unhappy expression.

"You're not much better, dear old sister," he said. "Let's show Cal your music collection."

She wrinkled her face in disdain. "Let's not."

As if sensing I needed an explanation, Oskar glanced at me. "She listens to a lot of Kidz Bop."

"Hey!" Tasha shoved Oskar, making him stumble back as he laughed. I smiled at the two of them, enjoying their sibling relationship.

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