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"Okay, so Landon likes Samantha and Ronda, but he's also really interested in Melinda..."

I stared at Tasha, nodding. I was trying my best to understand everything, but the information was ending up going through one ear and out the other. But the other times I had seen Tasha she was prickly and snarky, and right now she was bubbly and talkative. I didn't want to do anything to end it, lest she suddenly dislike me for it.

"So your bet is that he's going to eliminate Wanda, because he's not really her type?" I asked slowly. She nodded.

"He's not really into goth women, so I'd imagine he'll eliminate her."

"But what about Dorothy? He doesn't really seem interested in her."

Tasha opened her mouth to object, ut then closed it, slowly turning to the TV. Dorothy was on screen, trying to flirt with Landon. He looked visibly disinterested, half-attempting a smile every time she said something before looking elsewhere.

"I guess you could be right..." Tasha mused, staring at the TV.

"You two are..." Oskar seemed to struggle to find the word. "Certainly something."

"Oh shut it, you're just unhappy that your little boy toy is spending time with me instead of making out with you."

I coughed, my face heating up. Oskar threw a pillow at his sister's head, who nimbly dodged it. She stuck her tongue out at him as he grumbled something about 'stupid reality TV.' I laughed quietly, smiling at the two of them.

Even though her choice of words wasn't the best, Tasha was right. Oskar spent his entire time frowning at the television, occasionally glancing at me. I scooted closer to him to make him feel better, to which he grumbled.

"It's just an hour," I whispered, smiling. "It's not that long."

"It feels long," He mumbled.

"That's what she said."

Oskar narrowed his eyes at me, wrinkling his nose in disgust. I giggled, hating myself for making the joke but finding his face worth it. He lightly pushed me, making me fall on the couch. I started giggling harder, breaking into laughing. Tasha glared at me, but a small smile broke through.

I spent the rest of the episode like that, lying along the couch with my legs sprawled in Oskar's lap. He locked them against him with his arms, glaring at me whenever I tried to move. At one point I needed to use the bathroom, and he refused to let go of my legs.

"He's like a dog protecting its territory," Tasha whispered.

"And I'm his territory?" I joked, my heart fluttering.

She shrugged. "Seems like it."

Like I predicted, Dorothy was eliminated. Tasha gave me a praising nod, which was the most amount of approval I suspected I'd get for a while. At the same point, Oskar was cheering when it ended, mostly because of the fact that it was over.

"Thank the lord, I have another week before I have to go through this again," he said, holding his hands to the air.

"Funny coming from one of the atheists in this house," Tasha said dryly.

"Hey, I have my religious moments."

"Uh huh, and about an hour ago you seemed close to have a very UNreligious moment..."

"Nope! We weren't!" I interjected, my face beet-red.

"What did I hear about religion?" A woman's voice asked. I sat up, looking towards the kitchen.

A tall, brunette woman stood in the archway, her hands on her hips. She had the same blue eyes as Oskar, a dark blue that seemed to suck you in. She had a very thin yet muscular frame, showing off the fact that she was physically active. Her hair was pulled into a messy bun, with long strands of dark brown hair escaping it.

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