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I got an earful for skipping school.

My mother, deciding that I was on the verge of going rogue, told me that I was not allowed to go anywhere but school and home without telling her where and when. When I tried to argue against it, she crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow.

"Is there something that you need to hide?" She challenged.

A little.

I had absolutely no clue where Oskar stood on what we were. Heck, I didn't even know what we were. We'd spent some time together, and we'd recently kissed. Maybe he regretted the kiss or decided that it wasn't for him. No matter what way it was going, I didn't want to say anything before talking to him about it.

So I agreed to her terms, even though I planned on fudging my exact location occasionally. She didn't need to know when I went to Oskar's house. She could just think I was going through the neighborhood for a jog. Like, say, in two days.

When I had left Oskar's house the day we kissed, he instantly texted me to ask when I could go over next. I informed him that I, much unlike him, had nothing interesting in my life, and was therefore free basically every day. After denying it and saying that everything about me was interesting, he asked if I would be free in two days. To which I of course said yes.

Meet me at my house at 5:30? He texted.

Sounds good to me. I responded, smiling at my phone.


Even though I knew I would see him the next two mornings, that evening could not come fast enough. Suddenly every waking hour was dedicated to when I would see him next. To when I could next talk to him. I felt obsessed, even a little creepy, but something in my heart wanted to see more of him.

The following day, I was flying out of my house, racing to school. Sure, he wouldn't be there until about 7:15, but that didn't stop me from getting to the school as fast as I could, sprinting through the halls to get to the band room. I burst through the doors and plopped down on the piano bench, panting to catch my breath.

Thankfully, I had a little while to settle down. I spent the next twenty minutes trying to calm my heart, my lungs at least refueling their oxygen supply. Every time I went to play piano, my hands shook too much for me to actually play a song. Just as I started to still enough to get out a string of notes, I heard the band door open. I turned to look and felt my jaw drop.

Oskar normally looked attractive, but he looked even better than normal. He typically wore darker, larger clothes, which contrasted well with his hair. But this time he was wearing a tight, bright white jersey with purple lettering. It clung to his skin, showing off his lean and muscular figure. His pants were just as white as his shirt, tight enough to show off his leg muscles. He smirked as I gawked at him, my jaw hanging open.

"Like what you see?" He said, wiggling his eyebrows as he set his bag down.

I nodded silently, forcing my jaw to shut. I stood up from the piano, taking a few steps forwards to greet him. He closed the distance and grabbed my waist, pulling my body against his. He leaned down and pressed his lips against mine, catching me off guard. I felt my face flush as he pulled back, laughing at my beet-red face.

Apparently he didn't regret the last kiss.

"Wow," I chuckled breathily. "I was not expecting that."

He grinned, flashing his bright white teeth. "Well learn to."

He leaned in for another kiss. This time I was expecting it, my hands sliding up his chest as I went on my tiptoes to meet him. It wasn't as intense as the one at his house, but it was still filled with emotion. His lips were warm and soft, moving in sync against mine. I sighed against his mouth, melting into his arms.

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