ALL | When they catch feelings

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Btw Catnap 'catching feelings' is going to be all platonic. It just means he thinks of you as his platonic soulmate!



• to name a few things on how he realized is that he would get flustered by you, his tail would start uncontrollably wagging SO FAST when he sees you, and he always gets thoughts about how he wants to hold your hand!

• It took him a bit to figure out he liked you (he thought he just loved being in your company/ being best friends

- But when he finally realized to went to Bobby for advice


Catnap doesn't really interact with the other critters much

• Instead spending most of his time sleeping or just alone (besides when he hangs out with Dogday or when he just wants to socialize)

• But he knew he liked you is when he would find himself seeking you for your company alot!


He didn't really knwo he had feelings for you so he needed help on it!

• He didn't knwo if him feeling nervous/flustered around you was having a crush on you or not.

• Or the fact the always had to try his best to look confident and cool around you. (He want justs to impress you!)

• soo...he went to Hoppy about it

• Hoppy was teasing him the whole time but did guve him advice and told him he did probably have feelings for you


She already kinda knew she had feelings for you it's just she didn't want to admit it cuz she was to embarrassed to

• But it was kinda obvious she did...

• Like anything you say got her blushing and stuttering.

• And how she always wanted to hang out with you and you could see her staring at you if you were looking away, just liked a lovestruck gaze ig (I'm allergic to affection so I'm cringing inside)


• I really don't knwo what to put for Herr

• At least she didn't knwo she liked you and saw confused on why she was feeling things for you

• Like Picky always gravitating towards you and blushing alot when she heard you talk

• If was until Bobby told her it was LOVEEE


• guys I think you should know...this is Bobby we're talking about

• She has a tendency to fall her somone hard. AND I MEAN HARD

• She admittedly knew when she fell inlove with you!

• She would get very flustered by anything you do, always wants to be with you, craves your affection, the jist!


• When she realized she had feelings for you she admittedly denied that she did

• This girl tried to shove her feelings down for you but it didn't work

• As much denied she always gets nervous around you, gets flustered by your compliments, and always wants to impress you! (Basically like kickin just didn't too to anyone about it)


When Bubba did realize to caught feelings for you he tried to make excuses

• "No I just see them as a friend" things like that

• Until he couldn't denie it and blurted all his feelings to Craftycorn

• And she tried to help him the best she could

I'm sorry I kind a got lazy on this one so sorry if it's bad!

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