ALL | Yandere headcannons | R!

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Yes I had to use a wiki for this lmao (there's only like 5 types so it might get a bit repetitive for listing the type of yandere)

REQUESTED BY: yukii_is_sUs



• This boy would definitely be a submissive yandere

• Dogday would do anyhting for you, even if it met dieing for you he would do it without a second thought

• He is also very touchy

• He also tends to cross boundaries when it comes to that...

• Dogday has to be at least holding your hand whenever he's with you, which is almost all the time

• If he's not directly next to you, he's watching yiu form afar

• Dogday will also get jealous whenever you would give anyone else attention

• He would never do anything to them, especially if this the other critters

• But he'll give them glares and try to convince you that thier not good for you


Would be a isolating and eliminating yandere

• Wouldn't care who or what it is, if he's not getting your full attention bc of them he'll harm them

• If they start getting to much attention from you then he'll resort to killing (which he wouldn't hesitate to do)

• He wants you to do with him forever, and would do anyhting to achieve that

• Even if it means threatening you to not speak or even look at anyone but him.

• If you don't want to be with him or keep disobeying his orders he will kidnap you and lock you in his house

Even if Catnap can be a bit aggressive and violent with wanting to be with you, he'll treat you like his god. Worshipping he ground you walk on


Uhm I personally think he would be a delusional and manipulative yandere

• Like if you openly show you dislike him he'll find a way to think that you love him, I mean who wouldn't-

• He's the type to get very jealous

• He always has to he near you, even if it means stalking you

• Wait what? No! Its not stalking, he just wants to know that your okay!

• Anyways- he'll threaten to harm anyone who goes near you, expect Hoppy since he knows she wouldn't do anything

• But he'd never threatened you with harm! He loves you to much to do that

• Instead he'll just manipulate you into thinking all the other critters hate you!

• He'd do anything to try to get yall together, even if it means seeing you sad for a bit

• It hurts him to see you sad but it'll be better in the end! You guys will be together!!


• She would be a submissive and delusional yandere

• Crafty would do anyhting to please you, that'd just how much she loves you!

• She's also every delusional-

• Like anything you would do for her she would think it's because you love her back

• Also she loves to stalk you!

• She's to embarrassed to follow your round everywhere so watching you from afar is the better option for her

• While she's stalking you she likes to draw pictures of you, it's a good opportunity to!!

• She had sketchbooks and sketchbooks filled of drawing of just you!

• In her house I'd like to think she has a room dedicated to crafts

• Soo in that room the walls are just covered in just drawings and pictures of you

• Oh did I mention she also likes taking pictures of you?

• Also I imagine that if you ever would give her anyhting of yours she would have some place in her house dedicated to the items


I feel like Picky would be submissive and maybe a eliminating yandere

• Like if she saw you give one person way to much attention she'll attack them

• She'd only do it if she was pushed to far

• Maybe even eat the critter if she did kill them- HUH? WHO SAID THAT- WOAH

• Anyways- Picky would pretty much do anything for you

• Like almost all the critters she wants to see you happy!


She would be alot of things- Submissive, Delusional, and a bit of a manipulative yandere!

• Shed do ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING for you!

• She would go above and beyond to do anthting you would ask her to!

• Bobby would also be very delusional, like if you just stared at her for a second she'd think you loved her back

Also she would be very clingy towards you, always trying to be right next to you wherever you went

• If you would want to hang out with someone else but her she'd try to make you feel bad for 'wanting to leave here

• "Come on! Y/N!! Why don't you want to stay with me? Don't you love me..?"

• As much as she loves you if you want to pay attention to anyone but her she will try to manipulate you into staying with her


I think Hoppy would be a manipulative and a bit of a delusional yandere

• Whatever you would do for her, she would try to spin it to try think that you had the same feelings

• She is also he type to get very jealous if you won't give her attention

• Like if your hanging out with a different critter that's not her she'd quickly make up and excuse on why yall had to go and drag you away

• If she just if you want you to hang out with someone's even for a second she'd try to manipulate you into hanging out with her instead

• Saying how you 'never' hang out with her and how the other critters don't like you, just the basics


• He would obviously be a manipulative and a bit of a isolating yandere

• Bubbas a nerd so he'd already know ways on hwo to manipulate you

• It's not that he wants to see you hurt! No no!

• He just needs you to be with him and not be with anyone else

• He'd always tell you he always had the bestest if intentions for you, which was kinda the truth

• Then he'd try to isolate you form everyone else, telling you that they all hate you and they talk behind your back

• In the end he'd make it where the people person you'd talk to is him!

Guys I'm going to collapse of exhaustion omg 😻

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