At College

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Drew studied her son's face. She looked at him anxiously. He was sitting on the couch with a textbook in his lap, reading it and jotting down notes. Something told her that he was struggling inside, but with what? She has seen him worried about college work before, but this was different. She didn't know how she knew, she just knew it. It was a feeling in her bones - a mother's intuition.

"Honey, do you want to go to a bookstore?" she asked. Her son nodded.


He got up from his chair with a light smile. The boy was still struggling with his internal guilt. He had no idea who he could talk to about this. Who on Earth could he actually tell about what has happened? There was no way he was going to tell his mom.

No, just no. He couldn't tell her he ate her friend out, or that her friend reciprocated by sucking him off and giving him the best orgasm of his life.

The two of them took a bus. He stood and glanced out of the window, wondering what was going to come next. As he glanced at the sidewalks, the boy wondered how his life had ended up this way. He felt his heart beating rapidly as he thought about Carla and the nasty things they did to each other.

He bought a new book that day and started reading it immediately when they got home. It helped him feel better but he still mentally chided himself over how easily he allowed his mom's friend to use him to satisfy her craving. It sickened him knowing how his mother's friendship with her could be ruined if she ever found out what transpired between them.

The next day, he went to college. He had a class in the morning. There, he met one of his only friends, Jessica. She was a tall brunette with a cute face. She gave him a bright smile, one that he happily returned.

"Hi," she said. Seeing her helped cheer him up and he was able to focus on something else other than the guilt that has been plaguing his mind for hours on end. "Is everything okay?"

Great. He was going to have to deal with both a suspicious friend and a suspicious mom.

"Yes, everything's fine," he lied. He was ashamed of how easy it was to lie to her. She took a sip of her coffee. He went to the vending machine and bought himself a small carton of milk. Coffee never agreed with his stomach.

They went to the library together. He used to have a crush on her but his experiences with his mom's friend had completely overwhelmed him and his feelings for Jessica had seemed to vanish. This made him feel even guiltier as he thought about how he might be falling for his mom's friend, even though his mom's friend was the one who initiated both of their encounters.

As he did some reading, he thought of his upcoming lecture. He had already prepared for it by going over some notes from the previous one and was sure he would understand it well.

Jessica was anxious, but not about the approaching lecture.

She could sense that something was going on in Henry's life - something he wasn't sharing with her.

The girl knew he had a crush on her. That much was obvious. But she thought that what was bothering him was a much bigger issue than that.

They left the library after spending half an hour there. The two walked to their lecture hall together and got their seats near the front. Henry diligently took notes during the first hour before his mind wandered off and he became occupied by thoughts of other matters.

It was starting to make him worried how much he missed Carla's touch, the feel of her hands on his body, her lips around his hard cock....

He cursed himself.

His dick had gotten hard in his pants and he shifted himself around, hiding his boner. The last thing he wanted was for Jessica to notice his erection and get the wrong idea.

The next hour passed more slowly.

Once the lecture was over, they decided to have lunch together. Henry ate his yoghurt and banana while Jessica ate instant noodles. They sat on a bench and ate, and Jessica continued observing Henry. He always ate the same things for lunch every day. She always considered him a creature of habit because of this, one that simply refused to change his routine and stuck by it resolutely, despite her encouraging him to switch things up.

At the end of their lunch break, they went to their next class. It was better than their morning one with a professor who presented the material in a more interesting way - a way that was less likely to put you to sleep in your uncomfortable chair.

Henry arrived back at the apartment later than usual that evening. He went to take a shower right away, before having dinner and doing some more reading on the couch.

He got a message from Carla.

'Hi, baby. Tell your mom I need you to come over and help me move some stuff around tomorrow. New furniture.'

'Okay, Aunt Carla' he texted back.

He then told his mom what Carla wanted him to tell her. Drew nodded, promising to drive him over to Carla's house the next day. She then asked him what he wanted for breakfast the next morning. He ended up helping her marinate chicken.

That night, Henry laid in bed thinking about his mom's friend. He missed her so much and found himself both excited but also feeling guilty. No matter how many times he tried telling himself he wasn't doing anything wrong, he couldn't stop feeling that he was betraying his mother's trust by getting together with her friend. The fact that Carla initiated all their encounters only helped ease his conscience a little.

Eventually he fell asleep, dreaming of her soft lips.

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