The Apartment

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Author's Note : This one is going to be a bit different from my previous works, so please let me know what you think. Thanks!

The afternoon was a hot one. It was the middle of summer, after all. Carla was used to the heat though. The retired Marine served two tours in Afghanistan before being honourably discharged. She then went to university, using her GI Bill, becoming an engineer.

Right now she was knocking on her best friend's apartment door.

Carla and Drew were childhood best friends, and actually planned to join the Marine Corps together. But then Drew got knocked up by one of her one night stands, which meant Carla had to enlist by herself.

After just a few seconds, Drew opened the door. The two 39 year old women hugged. Drew was a tall, thin redhead with shoulder length hair. Carla, meanwhile, was a voluptuous blonde with huge breasts and a massive ass, her hair longer than Drew's. Both women were very sexy and in incredibly physical shape from constantly working out.

"Hey! Long time no see!" said Drew.

"I know. Been busy a lot lately."

Carla made her way inside. She waved at Henry, Drew's 19 year old son.

"Hi, sweetie!"

"Hi, Aunt Carla." He was reading another one of Agatha Christie's novels - the boy was a massive fan of mystery novels. Carla sat down next to him. She produced a box of chocolates from her purse.

"Your favourite," she said, handing it to him. His eyes went wide and he set his book down.

"Thank you so much! You know I love these."

"I surely do." She ruffled his hair affectionately and gave him a little peck on his cheeks. Her best friend's son was used to this. He smiled, taking the box of chocolates to the fridge and putting it inside. "So any plans for today?" Carla asked her friend's teenage son.

The thin nerd replied "I'm staying in and doing some assigned reading. Mom's got a second shift today."

Carla turned to Drew "I'm so sorry," she said. "I totally forgot about that. I thought I was gonna ask you to go to the gym with me."

"It's okay. You can stay. We can go to the gym together when I'm back from work."

"Perfect! I'll just hang out with Henry until you get home. You don't mind that right, Henry?" Carla directed the last part at her best friend's only child. Henry told her that he did not mind at all. "Wonderful!"

Drew grabbed her packed dinner and left.

Once she was gone, Carla started talking to Henry.

"So! What are you up to at college?" she asked. Henry smiled softly.

"Not much," he said. "I have a couple of group projects right now. Made a couple of friends. Have to, really."

"Hmm, I see." A couple of moments later, Carla asked "What about a girlfriend? Got yourself one yet?"

"Aunt Carla, you know I'm still single. You already asked me that question last month."

"Hey, a lot can happen in under a month," she defended herself.

"True," conceded Henry. "Still, I'm under no delusion about my prospects. Look at me. I'm a plain-faced, socially inept dork who could barely talk to people outside my family. You're the only woman I'm not biologically related to that I can hold a deep, meaningful conversation with, and that's only because we're almost like family."

Carla smiled.

"There is a perfect person for everyone," she said. "You just have to trust me on that."

"Thanks, Aunt Carla." After 20 minutes of reading, with Carla sitting next to him and going through her car magazine, he got up to stretch his limbs. He groaned softly.

Carla looked at him thoughtfully. "Let me massage your thighs. It'll help with circulation."

"No, it's okay. I'm fine."

"Honey, please. Just trust me, alright? Lie down and let Aunt Clara help you."

"Alright then." Henry laid down on the couch with his legs out. Clara placed her powerful hands on his thighs. She began massaging him through his trousers. To his embarrassment, he found himself getting aroused. The closer her strong hands drifted towards his crotch, the harder he became, his member getting stiffer and stiffer every second.

She rubbed his muscles like that for about five minutes before saying "Feeling better?"

He nodded, not trusting his voice.


The boy sat upright again, right next to his mother's closest friend. She gave him a smile and asked if he wanted to take a break from studying.

"Sure," he replied. "I think I want to watch a movie."

"Cool, baby. Just pick one here. I've got a Netflix account," Carla told him when he was about to get up and look for some DVDs.

She patted the space next to her and he scooted over, sitting right next to the busty blonde. Carla was wearing a tight T-shirt and he couldn't help noticing how shapely her soft breasts were. Then he realised he was ogling his mom's friend and mentally berated himself, shifting his attention to her screen. He quickly picked a movie and they began watching it together. Her huge butt was right next to him. He fought his primal instinct, struggling to not look at it.

The time passed quickly. He didn't get to watch many movies lately, what with the workload, so it was enjoyable for him. Watching a film with Carla there was much better than watching one on his own, too. He enjoyed her company much more than he did the company of his peers. She had always been someone he went to whenever he had a problem, a trusted confidante, someone who told him he could tell her any secret and she would keep her mouth shut.

45 minutes into the movie, Henry told her "Can we watch the rest later? I think I should get back to some of the reading now."

"No problem."

She tucked her phone back in her purse and he grabbed his textbook. He was very diligent, rereading parts he didn't understand, going back to them to try to make some sense of the words. Carla smiled. 

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