Chapter 25: A Bright Future

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neither kenny and leo cried throughout the whole ordeal but after hearing the judge grant them  full custody and a government check of 500 dollars was enough to open the flood gates

the moment they exited the court doors both leo and kenny crushed karen in a bear hug and took her out to a restaurant of her choosing to celebrate; even letting her order the most outrageously sugary dessert on the menu

even coming back home leo couldn't resist picking her up and bringing her into one of his signature warm hugs, he hadn't brought out his cuddly side since their were little kids, kenny couldn't remember he saw leo this happy; he was his true authentic "butters" self, the side of him that love to give free cuddles and watch hello kitty on a rainy night

he looked so care-free and happy, the burden of his parents no longer having any sort of legal ownership or control over him finally broke off the finale chains that kept him from freeing from his cage and kenny felt the same

finally they were all free from their burdens and they could begin their new lives

4 years after finishing school, big changes were happening

after finishing university, leo opened up a cafe and bakery shop across the block that used to be a pizza parlour, coffee shops in the city were very popular and mixing it with a bakery were you could get a coffee with a cupcake was a perfect business choice

within only 6 months of it's opening the shop has been a hit, he made more of an income then he actually thought and was able to fulfill his financial ambitions alot more sooner then expected; renovations, putting money towards retirement, future savings and even scored a larger 2 bedroom apartment that he and kenny could afford while giving karen a better home to live in

but while leo thrived in his career, kenny on the other hand wasn't having a early success rate like his partner, jump starting a career into science was a lot more difficult then he anticipated, he had been told my. his successors and professors that he held a lot of potential but the problem stemmed from the finical, kenny wanted to research around vaccination, he asked volunteers and they were willing to participate and help him but the issue was the money aspect of it

the funding for his research would cost good million dollars at best, obviously he didn't have the kind of money and he couldn't find anyone who was willing to offer him that amount

or so he thought

"why am i blindfolded again"

"i told you it's a surprise"

he snorted and cleaned back against the sofa

"if i didn't know you better i'd say you were gonna surprise me with a dick in my mouth"

he heard leo's faint laughter slowly becoming louder as footsteps approached him

"your such a pervert i swear"

"hey you'd think the same"

"only because i know you and expect you to do something like that"

he could feel his presence close to his body from across

"alright you can look now"

kenny lifted the back fabric from his face, flinching a bit as the light hit into his eyes but then narrowed to leo, he sat on top of the coffee table and was holding a white evalope in his lap, holding out the piece of paper to him

"what's this?"

he said nothing and extended his arm again, kenny give him a funny look but took the letter, teared it open and almost dropped to the floor in shock, a million dollar check from his signature that was signed to be given to kenneth mccormick

"l-leo what...?"

his hands shook as his eyes glazved over the written amount, a million dollars?!

"leo t-this is...w-where did you get this money?!"

"my busniess hit off really well and i was able to save that up and i know that's how much you need to start your funding"

he reached out, patted his hand with a small smile playing on his lips

"for everything you've done for me, consider this my payback to you"

"leo i-i can't--"

"don't, your not allowed to deny this, under any circumstances, it's all yours ken"

he looked at him then back at the check in his hand, his grip on the paper started to shake as he put a shaking hand to his mouth, money was always a foreign concept to kenny; having something as small as 5 dollars meant the world to him, never in his life did he ever think he would ever get to hold more then 20 bucks in his palms

with a chocked sob he carefully sit the check on the table and almost tackled leo down in his bear hug; thanking him a million times over and over while leo patted him on his back

"you deserve it ken"

he cried again in the car after he finished making the phone call to his volunteers, altering them of the project now having the funds necessarily to kickstart their research project 

the fact that his own boyfriend could've easily kept all that money for himself but he though to him and easily gave it over without a moment of hesitation, that was how selfless of a person leopold was, he would rather give his millions to kenny for him to have a career then to keep it to himself 

god what did he do to deserve this blessing of a man in his life?!

when he got back home laughter could he heard from the living room, peaking out his head he found leo and karen sitting by in the living room, karen was making doodles on leo's arm with markers, along with scattered toys and self-made cutesy friendship bracelets  

karen was having a blast; talking off leo's ear while scribbling all sorts of doodles onto his arm, leo laughed along with her and listened to her ramble on and on, letting her do whatever she wanted 

how leo turned out to be so kind, caring and compassionate when his parents were heartless monsters was just beyond his comprehension, he wasn't the apple that didn't all far from his tree, he was the sweet peach that managed to came out of the piles of rotten ones; a rare one of a kind gemstone to be discovered in mountains of dirt and rust

he was their with him making sacrifices for karen to have a better future, struggling with him as they struggled to adjust to their new lifestyle in new york and not once did he ever complain or seem ungrateful, every step, every struggle and every cry just brought them closer and closer

it was when it finally hit him, this was it, this was the moment he realized that he was truly in love with this man and knew he wasn't going to let him go

"this will be my future husband"

one day he would make leo his husband, he would ask his hand in marriage and their wasn't a single doubt in his mind

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