Chapter 26: Day 2, Digging Your Own Grave

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kenny never had the best relationship with his parents

her mother wasn't so bad, whens he wasn't high off of her mind or busy screaming at her husband she had her good mom moments, whens he wanted to become a singer she chipped in whatever she could and helped him fly across the country and was willing to leave behind her life in south park so he could have a fulfilling career in Romania; comforted him when he had nightmares; bought him magic the gathering card sets, gave up half her meal to feed her children and even stood up for her kids many times against staurt

his dad though not so much; growing up he was never much of a nurturing type and preferred getting drunk then being an attentive father figure, kenny didn't have very fond memories of his dad, he yelled at him alot and even blamed him for their poverty situation; saying that since he wanted to have the new shiny things that all his friends had then he should and quote "get off his lazy bum and make money your damn self and see just how easy it is", turns out it's pretty easy to manage your money when your not blowing it all on alcohol or drugs

"i now call stuart mccormick to the stand"

on his way to the stand stuart shot kenny a harsh glare

"mr mccormick you claim that your son unrightfully took your daughter away from you and your wife the night he left university?"

"damn right he did, that little shit didn't even leave his number, i had to hire a private investigator just to find him"

well that cleared up that mystery on how he was able to call him

"mr mccormick, the conditions of your living situations are stated to be living in poverty, you both switch between jobs and have many arrests on your record, including child neglect and borderline abuse"

he merely scoffed and rolled his eyes 

"i was high when that happened!!"

kenny felt sorry for his dad's lawyer; poor guy looked as if he was about to suffer a heart attack, the rest of the questioning didn't go any better, his dad just kept digging his grave by trying to switch topics and downplay the sever arrests that bring to question of his parenting 

so far kenny and leo were feeling fairly well about their case; their parents painted themsleves as the villans without their interference and it could only get better once they had the chance to testify 

"kenneth mccormick, you took your sister with you without your parents consent yes?"

"yes i did"

"in karen's testimony she stated that she was raised by you and your partner mr leopold stotch is that also yes?"

"yeah we were basically her parental figures"

"and you two were exclusive around this time?"

"no we started seeing each other around half way through 11th grade"

he nodded and checked off his list

"mr mccormick you seem to have along history of hook-ups"

he glanced at his lawyer, she didn't seemed worried and only nodded at him

"i do yes?, what does that have to do with anything"

"your history of affairs brings up a lot of question of your responsibility and if these acts where done in the home where the child in question was in place"

he tried not to get upset but it was hard not to when your basically being told that your a man-whore with no shame that lacked responsibility

"those affairs happened outside of my house and i would never expose karen to that!"

"i see and you and mr leopold are exclusive?"

"we haven't gotten that far yet and those hook-ups were purely physical"

"are you sure about that mr mccormick?"

miss greens stood up and raised her hand

"objection your honour, the issue at hand is the concern of kidnapping of karen mccormick and custody agreement, my client's love affairs have very little to due with the issue at hand"

the judge agreed with her and told the prosecutor to please keep the proceedings on topic of hand, he tried to dance around the affair issue a few times but his lawyer was quick to call him out on the bullshit

as the questioning and proceedings went on the judge was getting more irritated by the second; clearly seeing how manipulative and badshit crazy their parents were and how unfit they were to raise a child, hours went by until the judge finally gave his finale sentence, leo and kenny sat side by side on the edge of their seats, their parents did the same both parties anxious of the finale results 

"linda and stephen stotch, it has been recognized by the court that you two are unfit as parents and your only son wishes to not be related to you anymore so i grant him to be disowned by the two of you"


"and you two"

the judge narrowed his eyes to stuart and carol, both sat in their seats worried as what their sentence would be 

"staurt and carol mccorrmick, due to the severe neglect and poverty state of your living conditions and question arrests, the court finds you both unfit to have custody over little karen mccormick and will grant kenny mccormick and leopold stotch full custody, including a 300 dollar weekly government check to help fund for the childs needs"



he banged his gavel, dismissing the couple and having the bailiff escort them out and put into contempt of court

"court is now dismissed" 

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