13• You're my angel

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My period came so I was a little embarrassed and more self cautious.

The first day was okay and I acted as normal as possible, but not for the second. All the pain and troubles came today.

I rolled myself in a human ball with just my eyes and nose outside the blankets so I can see the fire and smell breakfast.

Besides the cracking of the fire, Hunter's big footsteps gave away the position of where he is in the house.

Exiting the kitchen and moving in my direction.

"Jhanna-Rae, you haven't moved an inch for over an hour." He realizes, as the sound of the plate and mug touches the table's surface. "Are you okay?"

"Mhmm hmm." I hummed, still not moving.

He chuckled softly. "What is wrong, little Lady?"

He came around and got down next to me, leaning his head to see my face.

"Then why is there a wet spot below your eyes and tears stained your button nose bridge?"

I closed my eyes and covered my head completely.

"Okay." He says. "I made you hot coco but it's warm enough to drink now."

"Okay." I got up slowly and was relieved by lack of pain.

I thanked him when he puts the mug in my hand. I raised it too my lips and took a few sips.

"I forgot your mini marshmallows." So he got up.

Going for another sip, a sharp pain ran from my abdomen towards my hips.

I took a deep breath and tries to put the mug on the floor.

Then the one thing I never wanted to happen, it did. The real pain in my ass sends it over the top and I dropped the mug.

It crashes to the ground and made a mess while I trembled.

Hunter ran all the way back and held my shoulder up.

"Yes or no, Jhanna-Rae. Is this your period?" He asked.

I could only nod my head while I hid my pained facial expressions.

"I understand. Get comfortable as you were, I'll handle everything." He told me and he did.

My giant hulk cleaned the mess. Got more Coco made but I ended up drinking a much warmer coco through a straw.

He turned the heat up a bit more. Fed me after he pops my head up on a pillow only a little. Blueberry pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausages and my pain killers that he found in my room.

I took it right after and sipped a little water. It wasn't long before I was out.

Sleeping under his caressing touch.
It was a whole other story when I woke up.

He's in the kitchen moving around as quietly as he can, but it's the tune he's humming.

I rubbed my eyes and yawned silently, trying to remember the name of the song.

It's when he was humming the chorus that I figured it out. It was 'I am your Angel', by Celine Dion and R. Kelly.

I smiled and sat up.

"No Mountains too high, for you to climb." I sang softly.

Hearing when he turned to look in my direction. "You're up?"

"All you have to do, is have some climbing faith." I continued. "Oh yeah."

Picturing him climbing all that hills of snows for over two hours to get to me.

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