12• My type of man

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He held me softly on both sides of my face. His finger along my ears as I closed my eyes and enjoyed that kiss.

This connection was felt all over my body. Like little jets of current that had me shivering with delight.

His touch on my face and his lips on mine, he was devouring my mouth as if it was something sweet.

I loosen my grip off the sheets and touched his arm just as a needy whimper left my mouth the second he pulled away.

He didn't move again, as if he's hoping that I'll kiss him back.

Leaning much closer till I was on my knees, my arm went around his neck. Running my fingers through his hair before I kissed him all on my own.

His hands moved to my waist, pulling me till I was against his chest. Feeling his hard body against my softer and much smaller one.

His tongue searched for mine, pressing against my lips and I have him entry. As it softly swept across my bottom lip

As if he needed to taste more of me.

I let him take charge. Allowing him to feel my to tongue against his as I gasped for much needed air.

He deepen the kiss a second later and I moaned loudly, feeling a familiar feel of not just butterfly making a swarm in my tummy.

I could only squeeze my legs together as I have no other way to get that sorted. Yet.

Catching my breath again, as he nibbles on my bottom lip so softly before he lets go.

We just catch our breath, face against each other and the moment we just had being a thing on our minds.

"I've been waiting to do that since the first time I saw you." He admitted and I thought about it.

"Through the window?" I whispered.

"Through the window." He nods softly. "I'll do this again if you'll let me."

I pulled away but my arms still stayed around him. It's the hope I'm holding onto.

"I...I don't know if I'm the perfect girl for you." I looked him in the eyes.

Those green eyes that reminds me of my sprouts new mint leaves in the flowers pot I have at home.

"You're perfect for me." He pecks my lips once. "Someone told me to tell you that you're one lucky woman."

I laughed, looking down and he uses that moment to kiss my forehead as well.

"I don't know." I sigh, sitting with my legs folded at a weird angle but I didn't mind.

"You don't know about what?" He asked, raising head but I shook my head and let it rest under his chin. "Talk to me, little lady?"

"So much has happened to me that I've been protecting myself. I believe you won't hurt me, but you may not like the speed it will take me to fully recover from the trauma. I haven't gotten help. I'm still broken." I sighed again.

"I'm an hermit. I live alone and I've been liking the alone time because I feel in charge of my life." I looked up at him. "I like it, but I don't love it."

I almost looked away when I was feeling like I'm breaking away with these emotions. I needed answers.

"Why do I trust you, a stranger? Why do I feel save, protected and guarded by you spiritually? I've always had that gift, a knack for working off my intuition and you're just complete. You might've been sent here to check up on me, but I felt your presence when you entered the property. I was in the basement filled with fear. I felt like finding what I went down there for wasn't something I as a female should trouble. I've being too opened in my past relationships that I'm either a mommy figure or an asset until they can excell on their own. You're strangely different and I don't know if I'm you're type."

He smiled. "You keep denying yourself of what you know is right or what you should embrace. I'm not your type because you keep telling herself that. You said it yourself, you have a knack for working off your intuition. You just got to believe in yourself. Stop playing with your gift."

"I'll try." I shrugged.

He chuckled, pecking my forehead once more. "You've been trying a lot lately. I'll surly applaud you when you do your full capacity."

"I prefer a kiss instead." I whispered.

"Good choice." He held me by my chin and kisses me again.
"Sixteen years at the Marine Corp and I can honestly say I love my job." He explains. "My parents are hippies at heart, but I look up to granddad. Dressing up as a soldier whenever I got to speak with him back when I was a kid. To salute and thank him for serving our country."

"It sounds like it's more than serving." I smiled. "You all help other countries too."

"We do." He smiled. "Try our best."

I laughed softly, looking at us how comfortable we are. He made me some Coco as the cold had returned.

An with all the blankets, being warm up in the arms of a men is the best warmth ever.

Seated on his lap, snuggled up on my mattress covered with every pillow in the cabin including his.

We planned on camping out here together where there's more heat and to have an heart to heart.

Getting to know each other in hopes that to take a step further in our lives.

"I'm returning to base in January." He informs me. "There will be days with no word from me and very short conversations when I call."

He held my hand in his.

"The distances, plays a major role at work. The difference timezones and weather conditions like this if not worst. Even the missions." He saw the worry on my face. "Just as I told my family."

He held my hand up to his lips.

"I fight to stay alive so I can return to them. To you too, Jhanna-Rae."

I nod.

"I'll keep you in my prayers." I told him and he smiled.

"Thank you."

"Hmm hmm." I hummed.

"You'll be busy too." He smiles, trying to cheer me up. "Getting your clients and to professionalize your craft at facials. Even though you're perfect."

"You would stay that because you like me." I hissed playfully.

"I do, but it's the truth." He grinned.

"Whatever..." I yawned.

"It's time for bed." He wrapped the blanket around me tighter.

"Not yet. It's still early."

"It's storming outside, there's nothing wrong with going to bed early. A well deserved rest is needed." He pushes the single braid that got away into my pink knitted hat.

"You're sleeping next to me tonight?" I yawned needing to hear him agree again.

"I am."

Smiling, it turns to another yawn so I tried to move to lay flat but he held my close.

"I'll put you to bed, just sleep."

"Thanks." I whispered, putting my face in his clothes to smell how fresh he still is.

I couldn't be close to Blake like I am with Hunter.

Maybe he's right. He really is my type because he's more of a man than the little boys I'm use to.

I was in and out of sleep when I felt his kiss on my forehead for the uncountable time today.

"Goodnight, beauty." He whispered.

I smiled graced my lips as I accepted defeat, deep asleep.

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