4• Realizing it's...

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"Get my locks changed..."

"You don't need to tell me anything. It's changed to protect your property, your landlord knows what's up and I'm already searching for a new spot that I know you'll like." Emryn listed and I laughed.

"Thank you." I smiled, looking back her face as she's in her bed and very much pregnant.

I just got the news.

"I hope it's a girl." I said and she glares at me.

"I'm having a boy. I need him looking like his daddy and they'll both love me." She hisses. "I don't need no little girl trying to take my man away."

I laughed. "You don't want a twin that you can dress up like yourself, and do her hair..."

"Jhanna-Rae Amani Marley," She says my government with a warning. "Pray that it's a boy."

"Fine." I grinned. "I can't wait for the wedding reception."

She starts laughing.

"Bitch! You know Mama Pearl gon be catering my favorite Caribbean food."

"Which one?" I teased.

"All em is mines. Even now I'm salivating just thinking about that spicy jerk chicken wings and pork. Damn!"

"Don't start." I laughed. "I can't made a call and order it, but you can."

"I'll order enough for you and me then tell you how full I am when I eat them up." She teases back and I playfully rolled my eyes. "You ate enough while you were living in Jamaica..."

"Girl, I was so poor down there, all they got going on for young people at the time was call center and scammers." I dismisses.

"Speaking of scammers," She cackles, throwing her head back before she could get into it. "Jhanna-Rae Marley, a nigga called me up and I was about to cut him off. Tell me why I hear um... What do you call the male chicken?"

"Rooster." I laughed.

"Yes! A heard a few roosters in the background and this lying ass man told me it's his pet."

I laughed for the better.

"It was so loud, I asked him why he didn't stay in his office and make the call. He said he's a dedicated employee and works at home sometime. I blocked his ass."

"How was his accent though?" I inquired.

"Fuck if I know. He was speaking English then he went to British then I couldn't understand the made up words he starts using. I could barely understand him." She laughs even more.

"I know that got to be Rae on the phone." Aaron's says in the distance.

"How you know it's her?" Em looks away from the screen to him.

"If laughing gas was a person, she'll be it." He criticizes and I laughed.

"A cyaw me A-a-ron a talk." I teases like the famous substitute teacher that spoiled the students names.

Em continues to laugh.

"A-a-ron, your wife needs some of Mama Pearl's Jerk chicken and pork." I told him.

"You're to be blamed, Rae. You got her eating all the spicy food and it's not good for the..."

Em threw a pillow at him.

"It's not me, it's her son." I teases, seeing the smile on her face as I brought it up.

"What son?" He is probably frowning. "That's my daughter."

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