Chapter 05 - And there were only two left - Part 1

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A storm blew over Dawn and it rained. But the three children in their tree house didn't mind. Ace stood at the steering wheel they had found and installed, the wind blowing his hair back as he shouted, "Here he comes! The storm is coming!" A smile graced his face. "If you come, then get going! Blow harder!" Sabo shouted into the wind. He stood a bit away from Ace and looked out one of the windows. Luffy stood on one leg in the lookout, holding onto the flagpole with one hand while holding onto her straw hat with the other. "Super! The wind is getting stronger!" she shouted joyfully. "Luffy! Don't let the flag get torn away!" Ace shouted. Sabo added, "Losing your pirate flag is the ultimate disgrace for a pirate!" "Got it! Come on, blow harder wind!" Luffy enjoyed the feeling of the wind blowing into her face. "Show us what you're capable of, you big storm!" "Come on, you idiot!" Suddenly the wind got stronger and Luffy was now holding on to the mast with both hands, frightened. Her arms stretched slightly as she held on. "Here he comes!" Ace shouted. Her arms became longer and longer and she began to scream in panic. Sabo and Ace turned around in shock before calling out to her. They ran to the other side and saw her being blown back and forth by the wind. "Are you okay?" Ace called. "SAVE ME!" she screamed into the wind. Ace and Sabo couldn't help but laugh as they saw their sister blowing in the wind like a flag. "What are you doing, Luffy?" Ace asked over his laughter. "Don't just laugh, help me!" she said with pained eyes. It became increasingly difficult to hold on when the wind was pulling so hard on you. Some wooden parts of their hiding place were also carried away by the wind, but the three of them didn't notice this yet.

The clouds cleared and the sun came out as the three siblings walked towards Gray Terminal. "Super! We survived the storm!" said Luffy, her little flying lesson seemingly completely forgotten. "Our base has been hit hard," said Sabo. Motivated, Ace said, "Alright! Let's get some new wood!" Luffy walked backwards in front of her brothers and said with a big grin, "I want a telescope!" "Idiot. Do you think something like that just falls out of the sky?" Ace said playfully provocatively. "If that's the case, then I'm more likely to find a cannon" Sabo added. The three of them were already walking through smaller garbage heaps in the terminal, near the forest. "If a cannon fell from the sky it would be cool!" said Luffy. The three laughed. However, they didn't notice the men hiding behind the trees and watching them. 

The three of them rummaged through the mountains of garbage in the Gray Terminal. Disappointed, Luffy shouted, "It's useless, Ace. I can't find a telescope." "Luffy, why are you looking for a telescope? Go look for some useful wood!" Ace called back, looking over his shoulder at his sister. Sabo had already found some and was carrying it, along with his pipe, over his shoulder as he said to himself, "I think that's enough." As he was walking, he noticed something at his feet. Smiling, he bent down and picked it up. It was a slightly dented telescope. "It's a telescope. Luffy will definitely be happy about it." A few armed men approached him, laughing. One in particular stood out. He was half bald. He had combed his few black hairs back to his neck. He was wearing a white shirt, which he had opened wide, revealing his well-trained body. He was also wearing dark blue trousers that were held up with two brown suspenders. He wore a blue coat over his shoulders, much like a vice admiral. He was missing a lot of teeth so that when he grinned, as he was doing at that moment, a kind of checkerboard pattern was visible there. He was none other than Bluejam, captain of the Bluejam Pirates. "Hi kid," he said looking down at the blonde, "I never thought that one of the three famous troublemakers was a noble." "Bluejam! How do you know that?!" Sabo asked tensely and put the telescope in his jacket pocket. He turned around, he was surrounded. "Hey, don't hurt him," the pirate ordered. His subordinates tried to grab him but the boy dodged and kicked the first one in the face before turning to Bluejam and saying angrily: "Do you want a fight, Bastad?!" 

A battle cry made the blonde spin around as a barrel came rolling down a hill. The barrel hit a pirate who was standing close to Sabo, knocking him back. It shattered in the air and out came Ace and Luffy, clutching their weapons with an angry expression on their faces. "Ace! Luffy!" The black-haired boy turned to his friend and asked: "Are you okay, Sabo?" "Yes." Luffy, meanwhile, swayed around with her eyes spinning and said before she fell over: "My eyes are spinning!" The barrel rolling didn't seem to have done her any good."With the three of us working together, these guys aren't scary at all!" Ace said with a confident smile. Luffy jumped up next to Ace and loudly agreed with him: "That's right! We even defeated the great tiger of Mount Corbo!" "You little brats," growled one of the pirates. "To end the fight quickly, we just have to take care of the captain!" "Yeah!" The three stormed off with their pipes in hand. The boys dodged the attacks before striking out themselves. Luffy simply bounced off the pirates' blunt weapons and struck. This is how they managed to eliminate Bluejam's men. With a scream they ran towards Bluejam. However, he didn't look very impressed and pulled out the pistol that he had stuck in the front of his pants. He fired as quickly as lightning, the bullet hitting the ground just in front of Ace's foot. "What?!" he said tensely. How could he draw the gun and fire so quickly? The three scattered. Sabo and Ace took cover behind a broken mast. Luffy dropped to the floor and grabbed a small piece of wood, which she held in front of her face. "Alright kids. Stay where you are!" said Bluejam with his weapon drawn and grinned. "We're not afraid of the gun!" Ace shouted from his cover. Too late he noticed the man standing behind him. "Damned! Let me go!" "Curse you!" the boys shouted as they were grabbed. The men had grabbed them so that they couldn't defend themselves. Luffy, on the other hand, was simply pushed to the ground by one as she struggled and screamed, "Get off! Or I'll give you a free flight!" "Let me go, you bastards!" Sabo swore and tried to somehow wiggle out of the hold. In vain. His eyes widened in shock when he saw IT. Ace and Luffy had also stopped resisting. A large force of gate guards approached them. Walking in their midst was a man Sabo knew all too well. 

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