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Nhu and his feline companion, Midnight, were running through the forest. His white boots are now covered in mud. 

"Come on, Midnight! You were supposed to be way faster than me!" He looked back and shouted at her. 

Midnight, who had been lagging, jumped from one tree to another, slower than usual. She intentionally did this as she loved seeing his master so happy and carefree. 

Meanwhile, Nhu, seeing her near, hurriedly spread his wings and started flying so fast that the trees swayed as he flew past them. His body swerved from left to right, trying to dodge the big branches. 

As they reached the centre of the forest, Nhu smirked and landed on the ground. 

"Hah! Are you getting older now that you are just so slow, or are you intentionally jumping and running slow this time?" He teased Midnight, 

Nhu lay down in the grassy part of the forest.

Midnight just ignored him and settled in beside him. 

Nhu lifted his hand gracefully as if he were reaching out to the trees that stood tall before him. He allowed the warm sunlight that filtered through the leaves to dance on the surface of his skin, creating a beautiful play of light and shadows in his palm.

"Aren’t you scared that Nana Gale will reprimand you again with your clothes?" Midnight's little amulet glowed as she spoke. 

Nhu's lips curl into a gentle smile, his eyes glimmering with a hint of mischief. "I know she won't mind," he says, his voice soft and melodious. "After all, I rarely get to venture beyond the castle walls these days. And besides," he adds, a playful twinkle in his eye, "she loves me far too much to stay mad at me for long."

He giggled and then sat up, reaching for the daisy flowers. He asked Midnight, "I wonder if we can make a crown out of these three daisies?" 

Midnight taunted him, "Try to think hard if you can."

Nhu made a face to her.

"Why are you so grumpy with me today?" He asks his cat. 

"It is nothing that concerns you." The little kitten faces away from him. 

Nhu just let her be and started to twist the daisy stem to try and connect it but failed. Frustrated, he places the flowers on the side and gets up.

As he tried to find some twigs, they heard a rustle not far from where they were. Midnight's ears twitched as he tried to listen more carefully. He slowly walked in front of Nhu to protect him from whoever was behind the bushes. 

"What is it, Midnight?" Nhu asked, keeping more conscious than before. They waited for a moment for it to come out.

Nhu was too stunned to speak, while Midnight bared his teeth.

It was a boy, but not just any boy, but a mundane, who was just a few years older than Nhu, if he could guess, standing in front of them. His eyes were all red from crying, and his snot was flowing from his nose. 

Nhu knew right away that he was lost in the forest and lingered through it. His suspicion was confirmed when he noticed glowing dust around the boy's body. The Fae must be playing with him. 

"Have you seen my mommy?" The little boy asks him. 

Midnight calmed down but did not lower his guard just in case. 

"I'm sorry but I haven't seen her, but don't worry, I can help you get through the forest and get back to her." Nhu offered his hand to him. 

The little boy was hesitant for a moment. 

Nhu understands that he is frightened, but he must try his best to gain his trust as it is not safe for a lost mundane to stay long in the Labyrinth of this forest.

"Don't worry I won't hurt you." Nhu's voice was soft and careful. 

Nhu gave a triumphant smile when the little boy accepted and held his hand. 

"What is your name?" Nhu asks him. 

"Zee." The little boy answered him shortly. 

"I am Nhu. Nice to meet you by the way." 

Zee smiled a little. 

Nhu grabbed his daisies and faced back to him. 

"You should probably wipe the snot out of your nose. Here." Nhu handed him a small cloth. 

"Sorry, that's the only clean piece that I have." Nhu apologizes. 

"That's okay. Thank you." Zee shyly whispered. 

"Alrighty then we are ready to go! Now don't ever let go of my hand okay? This forest can be tricky at this time of day. 

Zee nodded his head and held Nhu's hand just tight enough so that Nhu would not get hurt.

It was only a matter of minutes when they arrived at the main entrance to the Mundane world. 

Nhu let go of Zee’s hand and pointed to the flower-shaped gateway, "Here we are." 

"Thank you so much." Zee hugs him

Nhu smiled and patted him on the back. "You're very welcome!"

Zee was about to cross the gate when he called for him again. 

Nhu ran to him and grabbed a brush from his bag, "Just stay still." He orders him.

Nhu started brushing Zee’s clothes to make sure that no fairy dust was left. 

He then came close to him and whispered, 

"May this kiss chase the nightmares away and let beautiful dreams linger on." 

Nhu kissed him on the forehead and moved away. Zee looked him in the eye, trying to familiarize how those moon-shaped green eyes glowed when he smiled.

The sound of trumpets echoed through the forest.

"That's our cue to go home. Come on, Midnight!" 

Nhu spread his wings, looked at Zee one more time, waved to him, and flew back into the forest.

“You are the most beautiful dream that I could never forget,” Zee whispered to himself. He watched as the little angel's shadow disappeared before smiling and eventually crossing the gate.

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