Chapter 9

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“Nhu,” Mina called him as he was spacing out.

“Sorry. I wasn’t paying attention to what you were saying.” Nhu sighs.

“That’s fine love, it can get overwhelming when new emotions and feelings come.” She smiles at him.

“Are you alright?” Nhu asks her. She seemed down when they were nearing the garden.

Mina hesitated for a moment before speaking. They crossed the garden’s gate and into the Museum de Amore.

She stopped walking and looked at him. “How is he?”

Nhu was confused as to whom she was referring to. Only then he realized when he stared at Mina’s teary eyes, who she was referring to. He was about to answer her when someone spoke behind them.

“Why don’t you ask me instead of him?” Elowen walks towards them with Elros tailing him behind.

“I didn't know that you would conspire with my brother in going out without me, guarding you. what's the purpose of my position if you are just to sneak out alone?” Elowen was so pissed with what Nhu did.

Nhu could not look straight at him and just bowed his head. “I'm sorry.” His words came out as a whisper.

“Hey, why are you picking on him? It's his first day and of course, it is only right for him to go around and sightsee the town.” Mina tried to defend Nhu. “Besides, he is safe as no one recognizes him. We are also there to make sure that he is safe.”

“Who are you to talk to me and speak about safety? When you couldn't even keep yourself safe from my…” Elowen cut off his words.

“What? Come on tell me Elowen! I dare you to.” Mina says in a shaky voice. ‘’Because if I know what you are referring to. It was because of you that I am in this goddamn situation!”

Nhu reaches out for her back and softly caresses it. Trying to ease the pain she felt. But he knows that nothing could remove the pain of loss in love, not even tears.

Elros stood beside Nhu. “Let's leave them here to talk. There is someone at the cottage who is eager to meet you.”

Nhu was hesitant to leave as he was the very reason why Elowen was mad and he didn't want him to take it out on Mina.

Elros felt Nhu's hesitance to leave. He held him by the shoulder. “Don't worry they will be okay after taking it out on each other. Trust me. Elowen is not gonna hurt her.” He smiles at the younger one.

Nhu nodded his head and they both silently walked away from the couple.

“Is there any way that we can invite Mina here at the cottage?” Nhu asked him.

Elowen looks at him apologetically. “That would be impossible at the moment, little Nhu. Mina is not allowed to cross the borderline which was set by my mother when she banished her, here in the human realm. That is one of the reasons why Elowen got upset when she saw you both walking into it.”

“What would happen if she crosses the line?” Nhu was curious.

They reached the wooden gate of the cottage.

“Death will  be upon her.”

A soft baritone voice answered his question.

“Ash?” Nhu squinted his eyes trying to get a clear view of the person standing on the dark area of the front lawn.

“I am glad you still recognize me.” He walked towards them with a big smile on his face.

He was 2 inches taller than Elros. His black hair compliments his tan skin and makes his golden eyes glow. His enormous black wings were almost unnoticeable because of the dark.

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