Chapter 2

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Zee did a finishing touch before tying the ribbon on the very last order that he had for the day. He stretches his body and stands up. 

It was past three in the afternoon. He went to the counter and gave some treats to Beau.

"Mina, I have finished Mrs. Kith's order. Do you want me to take it down to her?" Zee grabbed a water bottle and popped it open. 

"I can deliver it to her any way I would pass by her house before I get to my apartment." Mina fixes her things in her bag. 

They both decided to close down early today. 

"Alright! You can go and grab the bouquet. I placed it on the crafting table." He goes behind the counter, grabs a cloth and starts wiping the countertop. 

"Do you want me to help you clean up?" She asks him. 

"I am good with the cleaning. Mrs. Kith asks that the bouquet should arrive on time." Zee carried the pots off the counter. 

"I think we should be posting a hiring ad soon so that someone could cover half of your shift as classes start a month from now." He stops and looks at her. 

"That is already taken care of." Mina grabbed her purse, took out a folded paper and then unfolded it. 

She showed Zee the ad sign that she made yesterday and handed it to him.

"I did try my best to design but I failed." She chuckled. 

"This is good. We don't need to go artsy about it." Zee smiles. "Thank you for taking the initiative." 

"Oh, no worries. That is part of my job anyhow." Mina grabs the bouquet. 

"Are you sure you're all good?" She asks one more time.

Zee gave a thumbs up. She waved at him and left the shop. 

Zee grabs the box of ribbons and goes out of the shop leaving Beau behind. 


"Are you sure that we are on the right way?" Nhu asks Elowen as they trace the sidewalk to check if the lucky coin fell off even before he arrived at the flower shop. 

"Yes, I always use this way to come here." Elowen kicked some leaves but it was not there. 

They were nearing the flower shop when Midnight twitched its ears.

"Something wrong?" Elowen asks the cat. 

"That familiar scent. I know I've smelled it somewhere before but I could just not remember." She continued walking, and Elowen and Nhu followed her. 

"Are you sure you've never been here before?" Elowen asks Midnight. 

"No." The cat stops smelling his surroundings when they reach the flower shop. 

“Wow! It's even more beautiful than I imagined.” Nu moves back a bit, his eyes wide with wonder as he takes in the sight before him. The building was even more beautiful than he had imagined, with intricate details and vibrant colours that seemed to dance in the sunlight. His eyes glowed with amazement.

Suddenly, a loud honking noise pierced the air, jolting Nhu out of his reverie. He turned to see a car speeding towards him, and for a moment, he was frozen in shock. As the car drew closer and closer, he closed his eyes, bracing himself for impact.

But just as he thought the car was about to hit him, a strong hand reached out and pulled him to the side. Nhu stumbled and fell, his face landing on his chest, but he was safe.

As he lay there, dazed and disoriented, a soft baritone voice asked him, "Are you alright?"

He slowly opened his eyes and raised his head. His gaze met a pair of soft-looking hazel brown eyes, which were all looking down at him with concern. Nhu was mesmerized by the man's eyes, which were framed by long, thick lashes that seemed to fit him perfectly.

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