Chapter 4

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Nhu graces the school halls with his younger stepbrother, Julian.

"What do you think will be our topic for today?" Julian asks his brother. 

"I am unsure as to what it would be but I am hoping that it will not be boring just like the other topics that we had." Nhu guided the younger one towards the empty hallways and went down to the library. 

There are still a couple of rooms far from where the library is. They both could already hear their brother's boisterous laughter echoing the hall.

"Don't they know that silence must be observed in any kind of library at all times?" Julian complained to Nhu. 

"Since when do they follow the basic rules?" Nhu asks him back. 

"You are right." Julian agrees with him. 
Nhu opened the door to the library. They both greeted the librarian and went past the history section to a small room, where discussions were being held when needed. Silence filled the room when they both entered. 

It was Lucian who came to speak first. "The geeks have finally arrived in class. We were all wondering where you boys left or if you have lost your way coming here." He laughs. 

"Just ignore him," Nhu whispers to Julian. They found a vacant seat just beside the window. 
"Hey, Nhu! How was the 'little accident' that you had this morning? I am hoping that your butt is doing fine." Elian shakes his butt. All the other boys laugh except for Julian. 

"My butt is doing just fine. No need to be concerned about it." Nhu smirked. "You know what should concern you?" He asks Elian. 

"What?" Elian comes near to him. 

"You should be concerned with yourself and make sure that you excel in all the field exercises because my clumsiness is much better than your failure." Nhu stared straight into his brother's eyes. 

Ohhhh can be heard across the room. Julian giggles. 

Elian's face turns red from shame. He banged up his fist, raised it and was about to punch Nhu when Professor Nymphius came in. 

"That's enough Elian!" His baritone voice echoed throughout the classroom. 

"Didn't I warn you all about picking fights in my class?" He places his books on the table and looks at them then back at Elian. 

"Get back to your seat." He commanded him. 
Elian's death stare lingered even after he took his seat. 

"Now." Professor Nymphius claps his hand and walks in front of the table. "I am quite saddened by the sudden pace of time and now I am tending the last class with you." 

"I doubt he is sad about it," Julian whispers to Nhu. 

Nhu just smiles at his younger brother. 

"But let's not be emotional. Instead, let's use this time to discuss the very last lesson that we have." 

Everyone groaned while the others whispered complaints. 

Professor Nymphius grabs the chalk and writes the word on the board. 

"Desire!" He underlined the word and threw the chalk on the table. "It is a conscious impulse towards something that promises enjoyment or satisfaction in its attainment." 

Professor Nymphius walks back in front and leans on the table. "Or in a more simple language, it is a longing or craving for something that you want." He looked at each of his students, particularly at Nhu. 

"Each of us has our desire. It could be for the betterment of oneself or it could be a destruction to others." He continued. 
"Would anyone like to volunteer and tell me what is one's desire in life?" Professor Nymphius turned and walked back to the front. 

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