Chapter 5

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Nunew is standing in the Castle's Main Foyer waiting for his mother and father to come down. Feeling emotional, he tried to take in and remember some beautiful, outstanding, and grand paintings that hung on the walls. The intricate carvings of the wall which were highly maintained over the years. The sweet scent of lavender filled the place.

He turns back as he hears soft murmurs on the halls up the stairs. He goes back to where he was standing before, waiting for the people to come down.

"Nhu! Please don't go! You know that we are gonna miss you." Ellise hugs her brother.

"You know I am just one foot away from where you are." Nhu gives her a comforting smile. He leans in forward and whispers, "Did you look at yourself in the mirror?

Ellise's hair which is usually tied up into a bun is now messed up and tangled everywhere. Julian chuckled as he came out from the kitchen.
Ellise blushed and frowned at Julian. She tried to fix her hair but the pins were stuck in unwanted places.

"I think you need Nana Gale's help with that," Julian suggested to her.

"What happened to you? You look like being strangled by some lion." Nhu asks her.

"It's nothing. I was so drunk that I forgot to clean myself up before coming to bed." Ellise reasons out.

Julian bit his lips to contain his laughter. Nhu looks at him.

"If Julian is like this that means to say you did something last night." Nu pointed out.

"Oh, she really did something." Julian teased her sister.

"I did nothing!" Ellise tried to defend herself.

"Ellise." Nhu looks at his sister seriously.

"Fine! But don't tell anyone okay?" She pointed at two of them. "Not even Elowen."

They both nodded.

"I did make out with Silver last night." Ellise bites her lips and her cheeks blushed.

"Oh my god." Nhu could feel his mouth fall to the floor. "Silver? Elowen's brother? You've got to be kidding me, Ellise. what...did your perception about him change?"

Nhu knows how much his sister hates his best friend's brother, as per her, he is an arrogant, conceited and ugly little elf.

"I don't remember all the gory little details okay? I was so drunk that I didn't know we kissed!"

Nhu shakes his head, "I won't be so shocked when I am called back home with the news of you getting married to him."

Ellise flinched at the thought of it. "I would die first before that happened."

Nhu and Julian chuckled.

They all fell silent when they heard their other brothers in the hall. Cupid comes ahead of the group with Queen Alyna on the right and Lucian on the left.

Nhu hurriedly pulled one of the pins from his sister's hair and it fell freely down. Ellise mouth 'What the hell' but Nhu just gave her a wink. One of the royal guards of Amore carries Nhu's things outside.

His things will arrive way ahead of him in Cupid's garden. It was his father's request so he is not going to be burdened by it.

Cupid smiles seeing them. "My Nhu, are you ready?" He asked him.

"I am ready as I'll ever be," Nhu replied, full of confidence.

Cupid nodded his head came close and gave him one more final blessing. He whispers a couple of words that only Nhu can hear and kisses him on the forehead. "That would be enough to protect you from harm but know that it will only work in our land and not on the other side." He forewarned him.

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