Chapter 3

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Nhu and Elowen are catching their breath when they arrive at Nhu’s room. 

“That…was…really…close…” Nhu said in between breaths. 

“I was already giving you a sign but you ignored me.” Elowen takes a seat at the edge of the bed. 

“That wasn’t a sign! You were just flapping your hands in the air!”  Nhu mimics Elowen’s actions.

“We are lucky that the mundane was not able to see your wings.” Midnight gets comfy on the couch. 

Nhu ignored his cat and turned to look back at Elowen. 

“So were you able to get your lucky coin? Let me see!” He jumps a little in excitement. 

Elowen checked his pockets but it was all empty. Panicking, he checked his bag but it wasn't there either. 

“Don't tell me you lost it again?!” Nhu sat down beside him and helped him check the bag. 

“I lost it again.” Elowen sighs. 

“Does this mean we have to go back again?” Nhu's eyes sparkled. 

He wanted to explore the human realm. He knows that there are far more beautiful things to see. Not just that flower shop.

“Oh no. You won't be coming with me this time. We might have slipped the first time but we might not the second time around.” Elowen says firmly.

Nhu pouted but didn't say anything. 

“And don't you even dare to go back there without me?” 

Elowen knows how his friend's mind works, so he just has to warn him.

“That would no longer happen.” Nhu and Elowen stood up straight and bowed a little when Queen Alyna came in. “Because after the blessing ceremony, Nhu will be assigned to a new home.” She sits on the single-seated sofa.

“Your grace.” Elowen greeted her. 

“Hello Elowen, how is your mother?” She reaches out for his hand. 

“She is doing fine. A little bit busy handling fairy business here to there.” Elowen smiles. 

“I am glad to hear that.” 

Alyna then looks at her son. 

“My Nhu.” 

Nhu comes to her and hugs her tight. “Hello, mommy.” 

“I believed you enjoyed your time sneaking out again?” She smiles at him. 

“So, how was both of your adventures?” She asked them. 

Both Nhu and Elowen looked at each other. 

“Oh please. You don’t have to hide from me. I know that you went to the human realm early this morning.” 

Nhu was too shocked knowing that his mother already knew where he went.

“How come you knew that?” Nhu sits in front of her. 

“Does that matter?” Alyna smiles at him. 

“No.” Nhu smiles back at her. 

Alyna pats the chair beside her and asks Nhu to transfer and let Elowen take his seat. 

“The place is so beautiful, mommy. We went to this flower shop where Elowen gets my flowers from and it was well, full of flowers but it was different from the ones we have here. It is not magical yet it is so pretty.” Nhu describes it to her. 

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