Chapter 10

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Louis had no idea whether Harry had planned on ignoring him on Thursday morning because he didn't give him a chance to. He stayed as far out of Harry's way as humanly possible, within the limits of the house.

Louis had decided that they just needed some space between them and that Louis needed to get laid.

Like, by a girl.

It had been the longest he'd gone without having sex in years.

That's all that was happening.

It explained the whole thing. It was just the feeling of bare skin on bare skin. It had been pitch black. He couldn't even see Harry. It had nothing to do with Harry.

Because, like, sure, Harry was fine. Good, even. As far as people went, he was good. Really good. He was one of Louis' friends now. Louis had a lot of friends, so another one didn't make much difference.

Okay, except that Harry was becoming more like a best friend. But again, not that big of a deal.

Besides, that's probably where it all came from. Naked skin and a friendly relationship. And, even if it did mean something - which it didn't - it's not like it mattered because Harry wouldn't be interested in someone like Louis anyway.

Sure, Harry hadn't told him what kind of guys he liked. Still, Louis would guess they'd be academic, ambitious, successful, and extremely attractive.

Harry seemed to enjoy being around Louis, but Louis knew he was probably the most stupid person Harry knew. He was sure that Harry could have his pick out of any guy he was interested in, so even if Louis did like him - which he didn't - it wouldn't matter anyway.

He definitely shouldn't have asked about Harry's sex life.

To be fair, he didn't exactly ask about it. Yeah, that was where he was heading with his line of questioning, but he didn't expect Harry to jump straight there.

Obviously, he hadn't really thought Harry would be a virgin. He just seemed too... well, Louis didn't know what. He just didn't seem like a virgin.

But hearing Harry say it, and say it so flippantly, and then talk about one-night stands was too much. Because, yeah, he hadn't thought Harry was a virgin. Still, he hadn't considered that Harry would talk about sex that easily and openly when he could be so reserved about everything else.

And would that openness translate into his sex life? Which really wasn't a question Louis was concerned about anyway.

It was that simple, he decided as he finished his sandwich. He just needed to fuck a girl and remember Harry was just his friend.

And really, even if Louis had wanted anything from Harry - which he did not - Louis definitely wouldn't be Harry's type. There was nothing in Louis that Harry would be drawn to.

All he had to do was stay out of Harry's way for a while, and they'd be good.

Louis placed his plate into the sink. As he walked past the dining table, doing his best to avoid Harry, who was sitting there, he couldn't help but glance at him, and he found Harry looking back.

"Um, Louis?" He asked cautiously.

"Yeah," Louis said, trying not to take in how green his eyes looked behind his glasses.

Or the fact that he was wearing Louis' hoodie again. Maybe Louis should just let him keep it. It looked better on him, anyway.

"It's just about my notes. It's fine if you don't want to help me with them," Harry said, "I just need to know because if you're not, I'll do them myself."

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