Chapter 48: The one where your adventure truly begins

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After that talk and lengthy realization, you didn’t have time to rest just yet. You needed to pack properly. You knew your brother would never let you go so you needed to write a message because the goodbye wouldn’t be able to be in person.
And most of all you and the Links needed to be gone before your brother woke up or he definitely would stop you.

Your decision was met with mixed reactions from the Links who while knowing that leaving was planned come morning hadn’t been ready for that morning to change to the middle of the night because of your circumstances. But a few words of choice from Time had gotten them to move and pack quietly likewise.
Most of all it seems like there was a quiet happiness, almost relief that you weren’t saying goodbye just yet. Which was all things considered touching.

Less touching and more depressing was that Legend’s cuddle time with Marina - who had decided to sleep over - had to be cut short which the hero really did not appreciate, the strawberry haired young woman however accepted with defeated resignation and the promise that they’d meet again.

You left after that to help Zelda round everyone up and equip, which also meant basically prying Four out of the manga corner in Zelda’s LoZ room. Now remembering both lives, his own and the fake one here on earth certainly didn’t help his psyche but your best friend once more showed herself uncharacteristically sensible and told him to keep the manga he scrambled to put back, obviously missing a certain someone depicted within. She wouldn’t take no for an answer and so the smallest hero hugged the legendary edition of his story with a shy but thankful smile against himself, to be put into his bag once the portal would be crossed and the magic on their bags and satchels would work once more.

Other than that nothing too outstanding happened. Soon after, it was almost three am, you all were ready to go.

Except when Malin suddenly came downstairs, obviously woken by the ruckus.

She looked at you all as you stand collected and ready to go and merely shook her head.
“…why am I not surprised?”

“Malin, I can explain” you started and Zelda cut in: “Don’t tell Luck!”

“I should tell him” she started, worrying her lips until they started to bleed. Her fingers started to twist in the strands of her hair and her shoulders grew tight. “I should wake him and tell him and help him stop you from being stupid. But…but then he’ll insist on being stupid instead. And that…that might mean losing him.”

“Malin” you uttered, approaching her to hug her. To try and give comfort where no comfort truly could be given. It was a bad situation. You hated it.

And so did she.

She shook her head, stepping back, avoiding the hug. Rather in fact she hugged herself, clearly fighting with herself. She looks guilty, torn, nauseous almost. The Links exchanged helpless glances. It’s clear they’re debating what to do with her.
Knocking out is not a good option.
Maybe you could convince her somehow? But how? Both choices were equally bad. Let her wake Luck as he would want and risk him coming along injured to a world of dangers he never was to? Or ignore his wishes to keep him safe?

“Am I selfish that I don’t want to risk him by waking him as I should?” Malin suddenly wondered out loud.
Marina glanced at her from where she was hugging Legend and shook her head: “No. You’re in love and it’s understandable to want to protect what you love the most.”

Malin's sad little smile is the most heart breaking thing you ever saw on her. “...true. I suppose I wish it wasn't this easy of a choice between you two.”
She swallowed. “I have been dating Luck for many years…I watched you grow up, you became like a little sibling to me too…” Her shoulders squared. Decision made. “ I know you are capable, Babble. I know you can survive this. I know you figure this out and fix this. I believe in you.”
Somehow she managed a smile. This time, she did not avoid the hug you rushed to give her. “Go” she said, gently stroking your hair. “And safely return.”

“Malin” you choke out, emotional. You knew you couldn't say goodbye to Luck so this was the closest you could get. “Thank you.”

“Don't thank me. Prove me right” Malin urged, worry in her gaze. “Come back, healthy and whole. Bring the lost people home. You have the power, don't you?”

“I do” you confirm, pulling out of the hug and wiping at your face. “I got the notebook.” Out of everyone on that bus, you got it. You were chosen by it. You don't know why yet. But you plan to figure it out.

A determined expression drew itself on your features and you stood straighter as you pulled out the notebook. 

There should be a portal to a safe place in Hyrule which closes after ten people went through in this living room” you wrote. 

The portal appeared. Malin gasped entranced. Marina kissed Legend. Zelda bounced with excited energy. Impi stood stonefaced. 

You turned to the heroes, a confident smile managing to form itself on your features. You did this. You got the power. You can figure this out and rescue the people without abusing the notebook's powers and get a nasty backlash. “Are you all ready, boys?”

“Ready, Babble!” came in various responses and voices. They might know your real name now…but it looked like you truly were stuck with this nickname.
Or title. One of your very own. 

Excitement bubbled. These were all of your childhood dreams coming true, weren't they? You were going on a real adventure. Not one merely seen through a screen. But…but a quest to become…
your very own hero?

You turned to your friends, your world and just for the moment you bid it goodbye. The hugs were brief. The words spoken ultimately insignificant. You knew Zelda would try her best to keep you on the running through the connection she managed to create to you.

Time took charge leading the other Links into the golden light of the portal you made. Everyone was back in their real clothes, armed to the teeth. It felt right to see them like this again. You still have so much to learn from them but for the moment you almost fit in with another green oversized polo shirt courtesy of your brother's wardrobe and your gigantic doublebladed axe balanced on one shoulder.

And then you followed the heroes in, the golden and white notebook clutched in your other hand, the portal closing behind you. You are heading towards the unknown, towards your own adventure.

Beyond Dimensions.

28.2.2020 to 28.2.2024
Four Years Babble and finally this monster of a first part of the tale is done.
Thank you for reading!

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