Chapter 21: The one where you go through your first dungeon

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“Where have you been so long?” complained Legend as a greeting once he had regained his eyesight from the sudden brightness that was your tunic. “Finding a key” was your dry answer while you easily fished it out of the small bag. And then you held it proudly under his nose.

His blue eyes narrowed slightly: “And where did you get that bag from?”

“A treasure chest!” you answered, more excited than probably necessary. “Of course” was his grumbled answer. “Do you know what that kind of bag that is?” “No?”

His annoyed groan was enough: “That is a specially enchanted bag so it can store a lot more than what it should. We have that kind of bag, that’s how we travel so light. You have no idea how rare these things are, do you?”

“Nope” you answered, popping the p. “But that’s neat to know.” His exaggerated eye role brought a smile to your face.

“So we do this now, or not?” you then asked, waving the key. Not waiting for an answer, you quickly crouched down and called out: “Hop on, bunny!”


“I’d suggest you put fire on that one left.” “Ugh…”

“No, not that left, the other one! That left is clearly a trap!” “Eeep!”

“Goddesses, go right! And faster, that stone is coming!” “I can’t go faster, you’re too heavy!” “Then go faster! And right! Right! RIGHT!”


“Well, at least you survived. See, I’m clearly not that heavy.” “You suck royally, do you know that?” “Well, at least I don’t suck at my job as a pack mule.”


“Sorry, I can’t hear you, Sir. Royal Rat Bunny. I’m just a stupid pack mule after all.”


“Why do you have to keep calling me that?” “It’s a secret.”

“Do you have any family besides your uncle?” “Do I even want to know why you’re asking or how you know?”

“Well, I got my parents and an older brother. He’s super overprotective and he’d probably have an aneurism if he knew what I am doing right now. What about you, bunny?”

“I’m not answering that.” “Aww, come on. Surely you must have someone caring about you that wants to help you survive and protect you.”

“Well, I got a sister, and she knows I’m perfectly capable of surviving being on my own. Happy?”

“Is it just me or are the walls kinds moving?”

“Sh*t, they totally are! Get us the duck outta here now!”

“Sit down, now, you look like you’re ready to collapse.” “I can still go on…”

“Sit. Down. Now. I’m going to do the look out and you catch some sleep, got it? No room for discussions.”

“Why…do you care?” “You look ready to collapse and I do not want to hurt my legs any further when you do so it’s wiser to do it that way.”

“You suck, Bunny.” “You too, Babble. And now if I see your eyes open, I’m gonna knock you out myself.”

“Do you think the others are worried about us?” “About you? Guaranteed. Me? Nah, they know I’m capable.”

“If I were gone, would you worry?” “No way!”

“I’ve also got a best friend whom I consider a sister. Do you have someone like that, too?”

“Well, you somehow know about Ravio already, so I assume you know that he’s like an annoying, greedy little brother to me.”

“Aww, no, I didn’t know that! That’s so cute!”

“Then you didn’t hear anything!”

“Babble, kid! Get up, get out! That’s not funny! Come on, I still need you! Don’t be drowned, don’t be drowned…”


“…goddesses, now I’m hearing their voice. Did their ghost come to haunt me?”

“Uhm, Legend, you do realize I’m not dead? I never fell in there? I just climbed over it?”


“Aww, you do care. You’re such a softy, bunny.”

“Of course I do not! I was just…practicing yelling. Yeah, that’s it. And stop calling me bunny!”

“You’re doing amazing! Keep that good work up!”

“Duck you!” “Well, I’d rather not!”

“You suck as much as these stone pulling puzzles do!”

“Well, I’d tell you to duck, but because I suck, I won’t.” “Eep!”

“Well, you didn’t duck, that’s not my problem. Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Ever had a Keese stuffed down your throat? If not, you’ll soon get that one in a lifetime experience…”

You were sweating, covered in things you’d rather not, hungry and practically dead on your feet when you finally approached what was - if one trusted the map - the final door. At least the two of you had managed to take a drink from the underwater river with the stupidly strong currents that would surely be whoever fell inside’s death.

On your back Legend seemed hesitant: “You know, you look pretty tired. You probably should take another nap, before we face whatever is behind that door.”

“I’m not that tired. And you didn’t take a nap at all” you argued back. “Well, I only got carried around. And behind that door is probably something much stronger than everything else in this dungeon. You should really take a nap” Legend simply reasoned right back.

“Aww, you totally do care, bunny” you teased. He probably rolled his eyes, but finally didn’t deny. What a softy.

Your body tensed when you turned to the door, shaking your head: “No, I cannot wait anymore. If I hesitate anymore I’ll be weakened with hunger and thirst on top. I have to do it now.”

“You sure? Your brother would probably prefer you back in one piece.”

“I am” you lied, thinking about how few hearts you probably only had, your inventory only spanning a few wooden sticks, a few nuts, a lot of stones and a tiny dagger. You had mastered this dungeon so far only by sheer luck, stubbornness and Legend’s halfway helpful tips. Those three were practically useless in a real boss fight.

Legend probably sensed your lie but decided not to comment. What fragile trust there was in your abilities would be easily shattered with the wrong words. And so he wordlessly nodded and together, you carrying him, you stepped through the door to the boss room.

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