Chapter 35: The one where you are manhunting

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Hell didn’t even start to describe the bus trip you had just left behind. Mentioned bus trip was likely to leave you grey by the time you hit thirty and shaved about ten years off your life expectancy.

No, you refused to remember but it started with the stares when you entered and that one woman getting her stupid pet chicken to the vets per bus and leaving the cage open.

Apparently, the innate hatred of cuccos to the lovely heroes of courage lived on in the average earthian chicken and crossed thus the borders of time and space.

All in all, it was not a nice bus ride and you thanked whoever was bothered to listen it was over.

Standing in front of the big mall, you gave a small sigh of relief before stemming your hands in your hips to lay out the war plan – seeing as it was likely that you were the only halfway sensible one who knew what was coming currently present: “Okay, game plan. We go in quick and quietly; buy the first halfway normal and fitting clothes we get our hands on and leave dis…”

“Shopping!” crowed Zelda, and it was like a war call to attack. Immediately most of the Links moved to follow her as she stormed the shopping mall, leaving you, Twilight and Four standing in their dust. Twilight gave you an apologetic shrug before following his wayward ward and Four stared off to nothing while you facepalmed.

“So much about the discrete part of this operation,” you complained through gritted teeth before grabbing Four by his arm and leading him inside. “Come on, we gotta put a stop this madness.”

Quickly catching up with the rest of the group that fought themselves through the masses of shoppers you tried to get some reminders into their head before the rest of this experience descended into chaos, not that your words found any purchase in their minds.

Instead every single person that might have listened to you – aka the Links, Zelda never listened to you in situations like these anyways – was staring at the shops around you as loud music played from speakers.

And people were staring at you all. You really should have made them change clothes before going out, seriously.

Some commented positively on the so called “cosplays”, another called you weirdoes. And then there was the mandatory group of squealing teenage girls, that goggled thirstily at the “cute” boys. One girl pointed at Legend in all his pantsmissing glory while elbowing her friend and whispering probably not so child friendly things in her ear, which promptly made the poor girl burst into a nice shade of red and look away while her friend looked like a cat that caught the canary.

Two other teenagers were eying poor Twilight like a nice piece of steak which made poor country boy blush and try to hide.

Another girl seemed to be ready to march up and demand Warriors’ nonexistent phone number, by force if necessary, it seemed, so you quickly pushed the whole troop along.

In the end you stood exhausted in front of the biggest clothes shop the mall had to offer and gave a look in the round, promptly facepalming. You were missing Legend, Wind and Hyrule. Wild apparently had been blessedly watched over by Twilight so he wouldn’t escape to explore.

“Okay, change of plans. I fetch the lost ones, you start with choosing the first few clothing sets. Alright? No one leaves the shop.”

Sending a firm glare at Zelda you punctuated: “You will watch them and be responsible in the meantime.”

Immediately walls of protests shot against you:

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