Chapter 18: The one where you can watch the world go dark

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You fell. You weren’t sure for how long, but when you stopped falling, it hurt.

There are an average of 206 bones in the adult human body and you felt like you had just broken about three quarters of them. Your vision was swimming and belated you noticed that the ground beneath was getting wet and warm scarily quick.

As your vision started to dim and your eyes to flutter close, you wondered about the person that had touched your shoulder before the sudden falling started. Would they be alright? Were they still alive?

Would your family ever know where you were? Did they get your letter? You hoped.

You were so tired.

And so you watched how you and your brother played with wooden swords and your first videogames, how Zelda and you played pretend and dressed, your dad saying how proud he was of his little kiddo, your mom singing soft lullabies, your dog licking your face, your first remembered meeting with Gannon through you throwing the nuts you had collected on your way to school at schoolyard bullies that had decided to harass the new kid…

Hugs, smiles, memories of happiness and contentedness.

A nap surely couldn’t hurt, right?



“…get up!”


“Stay awake! Get up, idiot! Get your idiot ass in gear, you’re not dying on me while I’m dream skyping!”

Tired, as if lead was pulling your eyelids closed, you only managed by pure stubbornness to crack one eye halfway open. In the weakly illuminated dark stood your best friend in her pink unicorn pajamas about which you had made fun of so many times.

“Good, I see your eye, keep it open” she said and since when did she have two twin sisters?

“Can you open the other one?” Weakly you did as asked. You were so tired.

And the wet pooling beneath you was so warm and nice and you felt so cold and you just wanted sleep…

“Uhuh, you’re not doing that. Eyes to me” Zelda ordered. Weakly you let your dimming gaze drift to her once more. She looked like a ghost, glowing and see-through. How had she come here?

“…tired…” you breathe out. “I know” she said, shaking. The world is dimming again, when she adds: “But you cannot sleep, not now.”

“…hurts…” you mutter. “I know” she said, wincing. The pain is slowly fading as is every other sensation, when she adds: “But you have to pull through, please.”

She’s desperate and begging and Zelda never begged. She was too proud for that. This was the moment when you knew that you were in really, really deep sh*t.

Is this what dying feels like?

“Stay awake!” Zelda repeated, desperate. “This might be a dream for me, but it seems real for you, so you’re not dying with me on watch!”

Her sleep tussled up wild mane whips around her head while she frantically searches for a way out for you, a way other than death. And her eyes find the solution in the form of the unlucky person that fell with you down to wherever here is.

Wow, they fell even unluckier than you fell which means if their bloody heap is still breathing it would be a miracle.

You were still tired, but the pain had finally stopped. Was this the famous last rebellion of mind and body before death claimed them?

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