13. Monster

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"You're a monster!" Mahira cried out as I stared at her. Her words flicked on some switch inside me, making me both contemplate aiming my gun at her forehead and pulling the trigger and, at the same time, admiring her beauty. One side of me yearned for violence, while the other wanted to revel in her captivating features."You brought this upon yourself. Don't look so surprised, jaan," I spoke, observing her continuous sobs. "Just listen to what I tell you, and you won't have to go through this. This is your last warning, jaan. Do this again, and you won't be there to see the sunlight ever again," I whispered, leaning in closer to her. Her breath hitched with my proximity, prompting a chuckle from me. "I'm not afraid of you," she stuttered defiantly, and again, I chuckled."Your stuttering says otherwise," I spoke, looking straight into her eyes, which were clearly filled with both hatred and fear.

"Let me fucking go! You're absolutely dumb to think you can control my life. You're nothing but someone who works in shadows, hiding away from the authorities. All this power of yours won't work in front of the cops," she spat out, and my demeanor swiftly shifted back to its ruthless and brutal state. I stared at her, stepping closer until I fully towered over her. Leaning down, I eliminated the space between us.My hands found her throat once again, squeezing the air out of her lungs. "Oh, jaan, you don't understand. I can do anything I want to you because your life is in my hands. I can take it away, and there's nothing you can do to stop it. And no, I don't work in shadows; it works for me. The cops, whom you speak so highly of and believe will help you, are like particles to me. They won't dare to assist you once they know who you belong to," I uttered, tightening my grip on her throat, leaving visible marks that I couldn't care less about."I don't belong to you, I never did, nor will I ever," she spoke defiantly, tears and anger glistening in her eyes.

"Oh, but you're wrong, jaan," I whispered in her ear, my breath sending shivers down her spine. "Everything belongs to me. Even you." I pulled back just enough to look at her, my gaze piercing through her soul. "Your fate is locked, jaan," I smirked, pulling her closer until her body was perfectly pressed against mine. She was provoking something in me, a loss of control. Was it lust? I stared into her eyes, searching for answers within myself."It would be better for your mental health if you stop thinking about escaping from here, from me, because you can't—not after cussing me, slapping me, kicking me, and calling me names. I didn't even let my own mother and sister's mistakes slide, so what makes you think you're any different to me?" I spoke, tightening my grip on her throat. She closed her eyes, attempting to free herself from my hold."You don't even know what I can do, jaan, so learn to stay on my good side," I spoke calmly. "But this mistake of yours, trying to run from me, won't be forgiven." I released her throat and pushed her away, causing her to collide with the tree behind. My gaze fixated on her sprained ankle, now cut deeply. Stepping back, I motioned to my men to drag her along. She needed to learn her place."Get her to the basement," I ordered, turning away and lighting a cigarette, pressing it against my lips as I walked away.

In the basement

Mahira's pov

They dragged me relentlessly, heedless of my pleas and desperate cries for help. My entire body throbbed with pain, and my legs felt like they could barely support me. The basement door loomed just a few feet away, triggering a flood of horrifying memories. The two men. "NO NO NO NO PLEASE," I squirmed, futilely attempting to free myself from their unyielding grip. "Please, please, please, I don't want to go inside," I cried out, but my pleas fell on deaf ears.A blood-soaked Khalid sat in the middle of the room, casually manspreading with a cigarette in hand, his predatory gaze fixed on me. As my heart raced, the chilling echoes of blood-curdling screams reverberated, causing my entire body to shudder. There was no escape; the devil himself seemed to be present, seated just a few feet away from me.I became aware that I was unintentionally locked in a gaze with him. His dark orbs never left mine, and I felt a chill run down my spine. Swiftly, he motioned to his men to drag me in, maintaining his intense eye contact. I averted my gaze as I was forcibly pulled against my will into the ominous depths.

"Come here, jaan," I heard him speak, but I dared not look at him. With tears in my eyes, I kept my gaze fixed on the floor. "Tsk," I heard him click his tongue in annoyance, and suddenly, I felt my body being pulled. Panic surged through me as I looked up, "N-no," I stuttered, finding myself just five feet away from him. I had no time to stutter further as a forceful push made me stumble and fall at his feet. I didn't move an inch, my body unresponsive. Staring at his feet, I hesitated to look up until I felt a harsh pull on my hair, making my head jerk back."Keep those pretty eyes of yours on me, jaan," he ordered. His emotionless, dark eyes made me freeze. He released my hair and brought his hand closer to my face, brushing away my tears. "Save your tears for later, Jaan. I've different ways to make you cry, and I haven't even started yet," he spoke with a chuckle.

"Stand up," he ordered, his voice as cold as ever. Tears welled up in my eyes as I gazed at him, absorbing the harshness in his tone. "Don't make me repeat myself, jaan," he warned, the tension in the air escalating. Slowly, I lifted myself off the ground, meeting his unyielding gaze that seemed to pierce through my emotions."Sit," he commanded, gently tapping his thighs, motioning me to sit. Hesitation gripped me, causing me to take a step back. "W-what?" I stuttered, sensing the weight of his intense gaze as he took a deliberate sip of his cigarette, exhaling smoke with predatory eyes locked onto me. "Do you have a hearing problem, jaan?" he muttered, handing his cigarette to one of his men. I felt the scrutiny intensify."Get your ass here, Jaan, or..." he paused, his voice dropping to a low, husky tone that sent a shiver down my spine. "Do you want me to do it?" he continued, his eyes boring into mine with an intensity that left me breathless. "N-no," I stammered, taking another cautious step back. His gaze lingered over my body, making me feel exposed even in my half-covered state. Instinctively, I pulled down the hem of my shirt, attempting to conceal my thighs.

A dark intensity flickered in his eyes, prompting me to take another cautious step back. "Jaan," he spoke, gritting his teeth. "Don't make me do stuff I'll regret later. This is my last call. Come here. Now," he ordered, and I shook my head, signaling a refusal. His eyes closed as he leaned back in his chair, attempting to control his anger. I heard a chuckle escape him, and I eyed him timidly. His large, veiny hands rested on the chair's arms, and the sleeves, half-folded, added to the intensity. If only this man wasn't a murderer or didn't cause me harm, I might have developed feelings for him. However, that wasn't the case; I despised him with all my heart.He suddenly opened his eyes, catching me off guard, and stood up. Instinctively, I took a step back as he walked toward me. His each step seemed to echo anger, blood, and power. He grabbed my nape, pulling me closer, and I placed my hands on his hard chest, attempting to create some distance."You really like to test my patience, don't you, jaan?" he spoke with anger clouding his mind. His hold on my nape tightened, causing me to wince.

"That pretty little mouth of yours is of no use, just like your brain," he sneered through gritted teeth, the contempt in his voice sending a shiver down my spine. His other hand found my waist, and he gave it a squeeze, a possessive gesture that made my attempt to push him away utterly futile. My strength failed in comparison to his overpowering force. "L-let me go, Khalid," I stammered, closing my eyes in an attempt to shield myself from the intensity of the situation. "Open your fucking eyes, jaan," he demanded, and reluctantly, I obeyed, not wanting to further provoke his volatile temper. I understood all too well the consequences of provoking him."Good girl," he purred, sending a chill down my spine. "Keep your sassy ass away from me because it will only get you killed one day, and nothing else," he muttered, his words a stark warning as he leaned down to my eye level. The hand on my nape moved forcefully to my jaw, compelling me to look directly into his piercing gaze. Simultaneously, the hand that was on my waist snaked inside my shirt, sending a wave of fear through me."W-what are you doing? Fucking stop it!" I spoke, attempting to push him away, but he chuckled. "Try doing that again, and you won't have your hands anymore, jaan," he warned, his eyes void of any remorse, leaving me feeling trapped and helpless.



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