28. Peace

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I stood there, grappling with the confusion swirling in my mind. Was it truly just a coincidence that the man stopped right in front of the police station where my family happened to be? Or was there some sinister connection to that monster, Khalid?

Pushing aside the unsettling thought, I convinced myself it was just paranoia. Turning towards the police station, tears welled up in my eyes at the sight of my family seated inside.

Without thinking twice, I jolted towards the police station. Tears blurring my view but I still didn't stop.

"Mummy" I called out, my voice shaky, and broken as i called out to my mother. Their heads turned around in complete shock as i stood there being a crying mess.

My mummy stood up and came running to me, engulfing me in a bear hug. I let myself melt in her arms as I missed being in her arms so much.

I may not have had a best childhood or wasn't that connected to my mother but I still loved her. My tears flowed with no sign of stopping.

My sister joined in, hugging me and so did my father. My heart calmed down sensing I was finally in the safest place on the earth.

For once, I totally forgot about the monster who would now haunt my dreams. Khalid.

It was all over now. I escaped him. I hope he doesn't ever find me again or track me down. I snuggled closer to my mother as Khalid's wrong doings flashed in.

I hope he doesn't come back to punish me or involve my family in it. "Kaha thi tu Mahira? (Where were you Mahira?)" My mum questioned me, pulling away, making me look into her eyes.

I could see the police officer standing close enough, eyeing me. I knew i couldn't take that monster's name, knowing that mentioning Khalid's name would only escalate my family's distress.

"I just needed some me time mummy. I was tired" i lied, because the truth would get them tensed.

"What do you mean?" The police officer questioned me. "I'm a grown woman and I guess I've the right to go anywhere I want and whenever I want?" My reply was cold as I didn't want them to suspect anything.

The officer scrunched his eyebrows together, doubting me. "Are you hiding something?" He interrogated.

"What would I be hiding?" I replied, shrugging. I could feel my family's eyes on me.

"Are you sure you aren't under any pressure? Because we can help you" he continued. I internally scoffed. Help me? No one can get that man behind the bars.

"I'm pretty sure I'm not under any pressure" i spoke trying to act unbothered. "Then why are your feet bleeding and why are you barefoot?" He questioned stepping forward.

"Oh that, my sandals and my purse which had my phone got stolen and I had to walk barefoot here. I knew my family would have filed a complaint, claiming me missing so i decided to come here" I tried my best to act as if I'm telling the truth.

"Where were you staying then?" He questioned again. "That would be you interfering with my private life sir" I looked at him straight in the eyes.

"Where was your stuff stolen?" He questioned again and i sighed. "Well i exactly don't know the name of the street, but it was a very busy street with stalls on both the side. I hope you file a complaint" i shrugged.

"Your phone was switched off. Why was that?" he questioned again. "I wanted no one to disturb me with their calls and texts so I got a new phone with a new sim. I got the new phone because i didn't want you to track me down using my phone's ip address" I replied confidently but I was shaking from inside.

He still looked suspicious of me but nodded. "Kya matlab me time? (What do you mean by mean time?)" My mother questioned, pulling me by my arm.

I gulped looking at her. How was i supposed to answer her now? I knew my lies would hurt them but it would atleast keep them safe.

"Mummy, I'm sorry. I just wanted to enjoy my life for few days away from everyone. I'm sorry for making you worry" My voice barely above a whisper as I spoke.

"You could have informed us. You could have atleast sent us a text" my sister interrupted.

"Kisi ladke ka chakkar hai? (Is it related to any guy?)" My mother asked. Yes it is. Not a guy but a monster.

"Nahi mummy. Aisa kuch nhi hai (No mummy, it's nothing like that)" I shook my head in a no.

"Tu mere se jhoot bol rahi hai, Mahira (you're lying to me, Mahira)" my mother spoke back.

"Na mummy, I'm not" i replied as i wished this conversation would end here because i knew I couldn't keep up with my lies much longer.


After enduring hours of questioning, we finally settled into our car. Exhausted, I claimed the front passenger seat and leaned my head against the window.

I was finally free. I took a deep breath in and felt my lungs expand. "Nani kaha hai? (Where's Nani at?)" I asked.

"Ghar mai hai, maasi ke sath. Teri chinta karke bura haal ho rakha hai unka (she's at home with your aunt. She has been worried sick bout you)" my mummy replied with an annoyed tone.

Despite sensing her annoyance and anger towards me, I found solace in the fact that they weren't pressing me further about the truth. They may not fully believe me yet, but their lack of questioning provided a small sense of relief.

I stared out of the window, taking in the view. I still couldn't believe that I was now free and far way from him.

"Our flight is at 10 pm" my sister spoke breaking through the silence while scrolling through her phone. I slowly closed my eyes, letting myself comfortably sleep with no worries.


Standing in the airport with my family, waiting to board the flight, I suddenly felt a prickling sensation on the back of my neck, as if someone was watching me.

I turned back to look around but i couldn't find anyone staring at me or at my family. "Mahira chalo time hogaya hai (Mahira, let's go. It's time for us to board the flight" I heard my father's call.

I took one last glance around and turned to face my father. I nodded and quickly followed, burying the secrets alive, deep down and leaving then behind where no one could find them.

This was finally the end to everything.

Or did i speak too early?


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