14. Disgust

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Mahira's pov

His warnings had been delivered with a gravity that couldn't be ignored, leaving me with a clear understanding of the consequences. Despite this, I found myself unable to resist the urge to defy his instructions; I've always harbored a dislike for people attempting to assert control over me. As I locked eyes with him, my expression betrayed a mixture of fear and defiance, knowing that my actions were pushing the boundaries he had set.His hand, with a deliberate yet unsettling ease, slipped inside my shirt, finding its place at the small of my back. I tried not to do anything that would trigger his temper, but at the same time, I didn't like this situation. I couldn't shake the feeling of vulnerability, imprisoned in a situation where I had no recourse. In that tense moment, he gradually turned me around, exposing a scene that left me nauseated. The two men, were still bound to chairs. Attempting to distance myself from the unsettling scene, I stepped back, involuntarily colliding with Khalid's unyielding chest, preventing any chance of retreat. Soon enough I felt his hands encircle my stomach beneath the fabric of my shirt. The proximity of his breath on the back of my neck sent shivers down my spine, eliciting a hitch in my breath. Despite the intimate nature of his touch, my attention was divided between the electrifying sensations and the heart-wrenching scene playing out before me, bringing a flood of tears to my eyes.

"I don't want to be here; please let me go, Khalid," I pleaded, the desperation evident in my voice. In that moment, a weird sensation against my backside compelled me to freeze. A soft groan from behind heightened my anxiety, and a shiver ran down my spine."K-khalid?" I stammered, my eyes wide with fear. He took a step back, a deep breath escaping him as he withdrew one of his hands. His other hand, however, continued to draw unsettling circles on my stomach, leaving me feeling exposed and vulnerable.As the tension mounted, he extended his hand in front of me holding a gun, directing it menacingly at one of the restrained men. My heart raced as panic set in. "N-no!! Khalid!? What are you doing!? Please stop," I cried out, desperately trying to intervene by placing my hand on top of his. He relented, retracting his hand momentarily."Of course, jaan, I won't be the one to kill them," he declared, his tone oddly calm, while his remaining hand maintained its haunting motions on my stomach. My immediate relief was overshadowed by the realization that he was still implicated in the disturbing events unfolding."But you will," he breathed out huskily, his words sending a chill through me. My heart sank, and I shook my head in vehement denial. "N-no Khalid, no," I pleaded, my voice cracking with emotion. "Why are you doing this? Please. This might be common for you, but it's not for me," I cried out still not facing him, the horrifying scene in front of me intensifying my distress.

His sinister chuckle resonated through the tense air, mocking the fear evident in my voice. "Oh, now my jaan is scared? What happened to the one who ran her pretty little mouth, not giving a damn about anything and disrespecting me all the time?" he taunted, his husky voice sending a chill down my spine. The stark contrast between his amusement and my escalating panic hung heavy in the charged atmosphere.With a deliberate slowness that only increased my anxiety, he ensnared my hand, placing the cold metal of the gun within my trembling grasp. His hand lingered beneath mine, an unwavering presence ensuring I couldn't withdraw my hand.Frantically attempting to free myself, I tugged at my hand, only for him to counter by raising it, pointing the gun at one of the men. "NO, KHALID," I pleaded, desperation evident in my voice. My futile attempts to turn away were prevented by his firm hand on my stomach, rendering me motionless. "NO, PLEASE, KHALID. PLEASE, YOU CAN'T DO THIS," tears streamed down my face, my anguish palpable as I strained against his unyielding grip."Pull the trigger, jaan," he muttered against my ear, the command cold and heartless. Fearing the horrifying scene that awaited, I closed my eyes, unwilling to witness the impending violence. "Oh wait, did I tell you about where your family is right now?" His breath, laced with threat, hit my ear, and I jerked my eyes open in terror. "W-what? Khalid, please, why are you doing this?" I cried out, my voice trembling with a mix of fear and desperation. He had crossed a line, dragging my family into this twisted game, and the gravity of his warning weighed heavily on my heart, manifesting in unrelenting tears.

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