26. Jasmine

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My heart was filled with nothing but hatred for him. He dragged me into this mess even though I wasn't involved in anything. All I wanted was to enjoy time with my friends, to catch up with them, but instead, I found myself stuck here, with him.

I watched him leave without a word, standing firm in my truth. I held no regret for my words after all, they were undeniably true. What could he possibly understand about the love of family when he only cares about himself?

"You're incredibly selfish!" I shouted, unable to suppress my anger any longer. But he just kept walking, indifferent to my outburst. I wanted to unleash a stream of curses at him, to make him understand my frustration. But deep down, I knew better than to provoke him further. I couldn't forget the horrors he was capable of.

The tension in the air was palpable as Arman's gaze followed Khalid's retreating figure. His expression betrayed a mix of confusion and concern, casting a shadow over his features. "Arman" I called out to him, but he merely glanced at me briefly before walking away without a word.

Annoyance welled up inside me, combing into a tight knot of tension in my chest. The urge to break free from this suffocating situation grew stronger with each passing moment. I knew I had to find a way to escape, but first, I needed to deal with these anklets that bound me. I clenched my fists, determination coursing through my veins as I thought to find a way to free myself from them.

Irritation mounted as I struggled to find any mechanism that held the anklets together. My attempts to pry them open proved futile, and I grew increasingly agitated as my hands began to sweat. With no visible clasp or hook to release them, I tried pushing the anklets downwards, hoping they would slide off my ankles.

In a moment of frustration, I pounded my fist against the unyielding floor, feeling the sting reverberate through my hand. Tears welled up in my eyes. With a heavy heart, I lowered my head to my knees, allowing the tears to flow freely. It seemed like every attempt to free myself only led to further despair.

With each sob, I yearned for the warmth of my mother's embrace, longing to find solace in her comforting arms. Thoughts of my nani flooded my mind, imagining her worried face as she waited for my return, her prayers echoing in the silence of our home. The ache in my heart intensified as I poured out my deepest emotions, feeling utterly lost and alone.



As her words echoed in my mind, I couldn't help but acknowledge their truth. What would I know of family's love, having never experienced it myself? A bitter chuckle escaped my lips as I wandered out into the garden, the weight of my actions heavy on my mind. Gazing down at my hands, I couldn't deny their capability for harm, yet they remained empty of the warmth of affection and love.

The garden, if one could call it that, was barren save for a solitary rose plant and a jasmine bush. I gravitated towards the jasmine, drawn by its sweet scent that stirred memories of her. Kneeling beside it, I closed my eyes and let the fragrance wash over me, allowing the memories of her to wash over me with each gentle breath.

As I took in the scent of jasmine, memories of her flooded my mind. She always carried that fragrance with her, like a gentle reminder of her presence. Despite my best efforts to remain indifferent, I couldn't deny the soft spot she had carved within me. She challenged me in ways no one else dared to, making me question my actions. But now, standing here in this quiet garden, I knew one thing for certain.

I couldn't keep her confined here forever. As I stood amidst the serene garden, surrounded by the fragrance of jasmine, I couldn't shake off the realization that had dawned upon me. She was not meant to be caged. She was like a bird yearning for the open sky, and it was not my place to clip her wings and keep her here against her will. For the first time in my life, I felt a pang of regret for my actions, for the pain I had caused her.

I despised the internal conflict that consumed me. I loathed the tangled web of emotions stirring within me. The longing for her presence, the unease at her absence, it was all foreign to me. No, it couldn't be love. I was certain of that. Love was a foreign concept to someone like me, incapable of giving or receiving it.

I settled onto the ground, my gaze fixated on the canvas of the sky painted in hues of orange, signaling the imminent sunset. As the gentle evening breeze caressed my face, I closed my eyes, seeking solace in the cool air. My thoughts swirled in a strom of confusion, unable to understand the tumult within my own heart. It was my mistake that led her here. If only I hadn't made that error, she wouldn't be here now.

I opened my eyes as the sound of footsteps approached from behind. I recognized the familiar walk, it was Arman. "Khalid" he called out, but I remained silent, lost in my thoughts. "Kya soch rahe ho?"(What are you thinking?) he asked, breaking through my reverie. However, I offered no response, my mind still consumed by internal turmoil.

"Make arrangements to remove the magnetic fence placed around the house and make sure there are none of my men out at the entrance tomorrow" I spoke, my voice barely audible, my gaze fixed on the distant horizon. Arman's confusion was palpable as he pressed for an explanation. "Why? What are you even thinking about, Khalid?" he asked, his tone a mixture of concern and curiosity.

"You will know soon, Arman," I replied, my voice husky and low. With a deep breath, I cast one last glance at the jasmine bush before rising to my feet and making my way inside, leaving Arman to ponder my words.

I stood in the hallway, casting a glance towards the basement. "Goodbye, meri jaan," I whispered with a soft chuckle, then turned away, making my way upstairs to my room. I knew what she was about to do next, and I wanted to ensure she succeeded.


I know this is a short chapter but thankyou for reading <3 please comment and vote!! I love reading your comments :3

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