21. Defiance

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Mahira's pov 

I stayed there, tears streaming down my cheeks, clutching my throat as the harsh reality danced mockingly before me. His heavy breaths echoed in the tense air, a constant reminder of his menacing presence looming over my quivering form, which seemed glued to the ground. I dared not meet his gaze, for I knew all too well the dire consequences that would inevitably follow. The devil stood before me, his anger palpable and suffocating, radiating off him like waves of heat on a scorching summer day. I could see his fists trembling, clenched tightly as if trying to contain the tempest raging within. In that moment, I felt utterly helpless, unable to do anything but surrender to the overwhelming flood of despair and let the tears flow freely down my cheeks. 

My breath caught in my throat as he took a step back, his hands still curled into fist, a stark reminder of the seething fury that threatened to consume us both. I swallowed hard, the lump in my throat growing heavier with each passing moment, as he turned on his heel and began to stalk away, his retreating figure disappearing into the dimly lit hallway. Blinking through my teary haze, I struggled to comprehend what had just transpired. I had braced myself for something far worse, but to my bewilderment, he simply walked away. Without a second thought, I bolted upstairs, desperate to put as much distance between us.

I ran through various hallways, my breaths coming in ragged gasps, my heart pounding in my chest. Despite the shooting pain in my ankles and the relentless cascade of tears down my cheeks, I didn't dare to stop. All I wanted in that moment was to escape, to flee from the suffocating reality that had led me to him. I ran and ran, my feet pounding against the cold, hard floor, until suddenly, a firm grip wrapped around my wrist, yanking me to a halt. My body froze in terror, my mind instantly conjuring images of the monster that haunted my every waking moment. 

I couldn't bear to face him again, couldn't bear the thought of his touch, but instead of the chilling presence I expected, I heard Arman's soft voice pierce through the chaos. A strange sense of relief washed over me as I recognized his voice, and my trembling body began to relax, the tension draining from my muscles. I hadn't even realized I'd been holding my breath until I let out a shaky exhale, feeling as if I'd been granted a momentary reprieve from the nightmare that engulfed me. Arman cautiously stepped forward, his expression etched with genuine concern, but I knew better than to trust the facade of kindness. These men, they were all the same—mere pawns in his twisted game, loyal only to their master's bidding. With a swift movement, I wrenched my wrist out of his grasp and took a step back.

"Aaj ke baad hume kabhi maat chhoona"(Don't ever touch me again) I yelled, my voice trembling with fury as I stepped back, my eyes blazing with defiance. His expression softened, a flicker of remorse crossing his features as he lowered his gaze. But my rage refused to be quelled. "Bigada kya tha maine aap subka? Yehi ki mai yaha Dehrapur aagayi? Yehi meri galti thi? Kyu? Kyu? KYU MERI JAAN KE PICHE LAGE HO AAP SUB?"(What did I even do to you guys? What did I do wrong? Was I wrong for coming to Dehrapur? Is this my mistake? Why? Just why? WHY DO YOU ALL WANT TO KILL ME?) I screamed, the words pouring out in a torrent of frustration and confusion.  Tears of anguish welled up in my eyes as I struggled to make sense of it all. Where had it all gone wrong? How had I ended up in this nightmare, surrounded by people who seemed determined to destroy me?

"Suno mahi-"(listen mahi-) he began, but I couldn't bear to hear any more. "Bohut sun liya, kabhi mahira ye mat karo, voh mat karo, usse yeh mat bolo, usse woh mat bolo. Lekin kabhi kisi ne iss Mahira ki sochi hai? Nahi, mai toh bas ek khilona hoon joh jab chahiye aake beizzat karke chala jata hai."(I listened enough, it's just all about don't do that, don't do this, don't speak to him like that, don't speak to him like this. But has anyone ever thought about me? No ofcourse not, I'm just a toy for you all to insult and leave like i don't exist), I cried out, my voice cracking with emotion, tears streaming down my cheeks unchecked. My breath hitched, and a sharp pain throbbed in my throat.

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