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I was certain that what I felt for her wasn't love, yet it wasn't mere obsession either. I simply craved her presence, yearning for her to be by my side at all times.

It was all strange and new to me. I couldn't quite explain or understand what was happening.

I just wanted to be with her. Even though I didn't love her, I longed for her presence.

Her presence had a calming effect on me every single time. I desired for her to be mine. Only mine.

What I did to her was unforgivable, but I'm not prepared to let her slip away from me just yet. I understand that what I feel for her isn't something that will fade away in just a few days.

She may not be ready to forgive me yet, but I'm determined to do whatever it takes to win her over and earn her forgiveness.

If only we had met under different circumstances, things might have turned out differently. Perhaps she would have accepted me then.

I know I caused her suffering, even though she didn't deserve it. I tried to let her go, and I did, but in the end, I couldn't bear to keep her away from me.

I had to get back to her and keep her for myself. The mere thought of her marrying someone else ignited a rage within me. I despised the idea entirely.

The fire within her was never meant to be tamed. She's someone who craves freedom, and I'm prepared to give her everything she desires.

Even if it meant I had to get on my knees and beg for forgiveness, I'm willing to do whatever it takes. But why?

Why did I feel compelled to go to such lengths for her? What made her so special to me?

After enduring betrayal from my own people, it became difficult for me to believe or trust in others. Love seemed like a distant concept, yet she was pushing past my barriers, challenging everything I thought I knew.

It all began with a simple mistake. A mistake that led me to her, the one who would ultimately bring me to my knees.

I regret being so harsh on her, but I can't change the past. However, I'm determined to make amends and shape a better future for us both.

If only I had known the power she held over me, I would have never allowed myself to become entangled with her.

There's something about her which makes me lose my control and at the same time, keeps me from losing my control.

Her fiery gaze, filled with disdain, serves as a constant reminder, keeping me in check. Her unwavering confidence commands respect and keeps me in my place.

The day she slapped me, I knew she was determined to push the limits of my resolve. She was intent on breaking down my barriers, making me lose myself to her completely.

All I desired for now was her. I would make sure to never again bring tears to her eyes or cause her any pain.


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