9| Tied Notes

43 21 12

Present Hannah's POV

If my brother was still alive, he would've said, "Hannah, all these suspects are just notes. If you play them in the correct order, you would actually make progress." But, of course, if he were still alive I wouldn't be looking for a murderer in the first place.

When I woke up, there was a bunch of blonde hair on my pillow. It was my hair. I screeched but didn't know who to point fingers at. It had to have been Charlotte, Vanessa, or Lilith. They were my only roommates.

"Vanessa!" I exclaimed, "I thought we were on good terms now!"

"It wasn't me!" She replied, "I think Charlotte did it. Didn't you say that your grandmother was a hairdresser?"

"She was but I didn't do it!" Charlotte fought back, "Plus if it was me, I would've cut it way better."

We all turned to look at Lilith but she said, "I wasn't even here last night, I stayed home for an extra day."

"So it was one of you!" I barked, "Who did it? I won't be mad if you just say it."

They both looked at each other then back at me. "I don't think any of us would do something like that. Check your shampoo and conditioner, maybe you bought the wrong thing."

I went into the bathroom. My hair conditioner said 'hair remover' at the bottom and I face palmed.

"I bought the wrong thing," I mumbled, "Sorry for blaming you guys."

I didn't condition the top of my head so, I figured that's why I still had some hair. My hair was as short as my brother's before he died, now we definitely looked like twins.

During study hall, I saw Mark sitting at a table in the courtyard. The second I approached him, his eyes widened, "What on earth happened to you?!"

"It's not my fault the hair remover and conditioner bottled all looked the same. It was right next to the shampoo bottle and it said 'conditioner' on it!"

"Do you mean conditioning hair remover?"

"It threw me off, okay!" I sat down next to him and I couldn't help but notice that he kept on eyeing me. "Are you okay? This is the third time that you've eyed me?"

"You look like your brother."

"I look like a guy?"

"You look like a feminine Micheal."

"I'll take that."

We both smiled at each other and I looked at myself in my phone's camera. My hair looked like a mess, I needed to see a barber.

"Do you need to see a barber? I can recommend a place that does unisex haircuts."

"I'd appreciate that. Too bad it's not a pixie cut, I would've pulled that off way better than whatever this is."

He wrote down an address on a sticky note and gave it to me, "They're open from two in the afternoon to six in the evening on weekdays. On weekends, it's two to seven."

"Thanks!" I exclaimed, "My brother would be crying if he heard you say that whatever this haircut is reminds you of him."

He laughed, "Fine, then you look Micheal's barber butchered his haircut."

I excused myself and went to the restroom. I missed my long hair but, I guess I had to deal with having short hair for now.

The next day, I went to the barber that Mark suggested. It was a small, pretty looking shop with white walls and a balcony upstairs.

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