Chapter 1

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Hello guys! I have been a bit bad on updating my ongoing projects on here. I am busy with my master thesis at the moment, but soon I will hopefully have more time and energy to continue to update a bit more frequent. I found this old started story in my personal archive for you to read in the meantime. I hope you enjoy!


"So is Simon coming over later?" my mother asked. Like everyone at school, she had assumed that he was my best friend. He was my best friend, but we were also boyfriends. We had decided to keep a low profile while going to school. It had just been easier that way. I knew that Simon's sister Sara knew that we were in a relationship, just like Simon's best friends Rosh and Ayoub. If Erik had not died during my first year of high school I bet he would have known too. Now it was the middle of August, a few months after we graduated.

"Yeah. He is coming over," I replied. I was supposed to join military training in just a week, and he was supposed to study at university during the fall. He had chosen to study in Stockholm, so that it would be closer for me to come visit when I could. "He said that he could not let me go off to the military without saying goodbye first." My mom smiled. She had always liked Simon. He was polite and sweet. And mom could tell I got happier in his company. I had struggled with depression after my brother died and Simon had helped me get through it. The only one in my family who did not like Simon was August. He had felt like Simon had taken his place in supporting me after what had happened to Erik. He had imagined that I would come to him, because he knew Erik too. Simon did not know Erik. He had only seen him that one time when I first transferred to Hillerska. But still he was able to support me better than August ever would.

"He is such a sweet boy. What did you say he was doing in the fall?" Mom asked.

"He got into a music program at the University for music," I replied. He was really talented, despite the fact that I had to teach him to read sheet music. He had the voice of an angel and he did not need to know sheet music for that. "He has found student accommodations, so he will be moving soon."

"He could have stayed here if he had liked. He is like an extra son by now. He is always around," mom said in a joking tone. I laughed.

"He would have been very honoured to stay here, I am sure. But I think he wants his own place so that he can live like a regular student," I replied. Mom nodded.

"It would probably be something to explain to new friends if he lived here. Does he have a boyfriend yet?" Mom asked. Mom knew that Simon was gay. I had told her that once when she asked if he had a partner. I nodded, without thinking.

"Yeah. He has a boyfriend," I replied, now needing to tell a bit more than I was sure we were comfortable with. I would not tell her I was the boyfriend. Not yet. I needed to talk to Simon first.

" I would love to meet his boyfriend sometime. Maybe you could invite him next time Simon comes here," mom said.

"I will ask Simon about it," I said.

"How long is he staying this time?" Mom asked.

"I think he will stay the entire week," I replied. "I will miss him a lot when I join the military." Mom asked what Simon's boyfriend thought of Simon staying here the entire week, since it was quite close to university opening too. I told her that his boyfriend was not in town anyways, so he would not mind me stealing Simon for a bit. It was a lie, but the best I could do for now.


"Just so you know, I have told mom that you have a boyfriend," I told Simon. He was next to me on my bed. Simon laughed.
"You are funny, Wille. You have not told her you have a boyfriend too?" he asked and touched me over the chin. I laughed and shook my head.

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