9 Years Later

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Loriss Thyestes pov :

It's been 9 years since I met Sylvia and Lord Indrath.

That day was the day I met not only the king of asura who stood on top of all beings, but it was also the day I met one of my two best friends

I did my best to leave my previous life behind, but after losing all the people I loved and cared about, my regrets remained.

I was afraid of getting attached again, I couldn't afford to lose the people I cared about again, but the situation was different here, we were literally gods and we had no natural enemies that could harm us.

And then my dad

I didn't really have a close relationship with my father, in fact, there wasn't even a father-son relationship between us, he just saw me as an heir who would continue his lineage and glorify the name of the clan, in short, it was not much different from my previous life

In this world, mana was used to influence the outside world, and we asuras were born with mana cores. Although the Indrath clan did not use mana, they did use Aether, which gave them a significant advantage that put them at the top of all clans.

The rate of development of us asuras was very high, perhaps this was one of the factors that made us the superior race

My thoughts were interrupted by an attack on me, I dodged the attacker's punch and provoked my opponent with a sarcastic grin.

"I think you should try to be less predictable"

"There's no point in trying to provoke me, Loriss, losing your cool is the biggest mistake you can make in battle, and I have no intention of falling into that trap."

"Do you really have to be that serious? Agrona "

"There are few people as frivolous in battle as you, Loriss," Sylvia said, rolling her eyes at my antics.

It was at this point that Agrona was injured by my distraction and made a sneak attack like a snake from the clan of the vritra to which he belonged.

"Don't get distracted, you should be more careful about your surroundings, Loriss, we don't want you to become the victim of an attack that you are not even aware of."

I grabbed his arm while avoiding another punch he threw at me and tried to throw him to the other side while powering up my arm with mana

But when he kicked me, it was cut short and forced me to back off

Loriss, you seem to be struggling" Agrona said with a grin

Right now, we didn't explicitly use our mana arts when we were just talking with our fists, and we only used our mana to strengthen ourselves, just in case, Sylvia was there for us and babysat us in case we got carried away

"Speak for yourself, snake, I'll wipe that grin off your face in a minute"

Agrona and I met when we were 5 years old, our fathers introduced us to the clan elders to formalize us as heirs, we were both heirs of an important clan, our rank was much higher, I was bored and apparently so was she, and we quickly bonded.

Even though he was an asura when I first met him, he had a different maturity than a child, considering that he was 5 years old, and most importantly, the most important feature in his personality was his hunger for knowledge.

We were both alone and had no friends, we were crushed by the restrictions placed on us so as not to embarrass the name of our clan, it was easier for us to be friends as two people who understood each other than someone else

Two years after we met that day, we met Sylvia and the three of us formed an inseparable group of friends.

"Try Me" At this time, agrona spoke

"as you wish"

As I was about to attack her again, Sylvia stopped us

"That's enough for today Boys , don't forget my mom is waiting for us."

"I love spending time with Lady Myra, it makes me feel quite peaceful" Agrona said

"Yes, we should go without waiting too long" Sylvia said

"Yes, the cookies prepared by Lady Myra are the best, we should definitely stop by and buy some more"

"Don't you think of anything but your stomach? "Sylvia said with a laugh

Even though I didn't make it obvious, I enjoyed spending time with Lady Myra, she was like the mother I never had

My friends and Lady Myra meant more to me than anything else in this cruel world where power is more important than anything else.

As I drove with my friends to Lady Myra's own little house at sunset, I thought, "I wish it was always so peaceful."


When we arrived, it was already dark and no matter how much we wanted to hurry, we still lingered and were late.

When we got the door, we were greeted by Lady Myra

Lady Myra smiled and said, "You guys have finally arrived, I was starting to think you were getting carried away and forgot about me."

When Lady Myra wanted to find some peace, she would leave the Indrath palace and spend time here, and we liked to keep her company

"Sorry for the delay, mom, these two idiots spent too much time training and stalled on the way."

" "It's okay honey, it's okay, I made some cookies and tea, you guys can join me if yours want."

"Of course we would love to, Lady Myra," said Agrona

And so the four of them ate the cookies while sipping their tea under the cloudless sky and stars at night

When Sylvia and Agrona separated, I stayed with Lady Myra

Lady Myra smiled as she sipped her tea, "Isn't that beautiful?"

I nodded absent-mindedly as I found myself lost in thought at the breathtaking scenery

"Why do you think they are beautiful?" Lady Myra asked.

Puzzled by this question, I looked at her, "because they are beautiful and shiny?"

Lady Myra giggled, "Yes, honey, there is this too, they are as close as they are unreachable, as if you could approach them with your hands if you reached for them"

"But that's not the main reason"

I listened while she talked

"Because while the night shows us its naked beauty, the stars, which are an indispensable part of the universe, prevent us from being in the dark by escaping from the daytime curtain and adorning the sky. They are like guiding lights that illuminate our way."

I paused as a peaceful silence spread between the two of us, and I thought about the meaning of it, what was the meaning I should make of it? Why did he tell me that?

"Loriss trust your guiding lights, they are your guide, if you lose them, then your whole world will be plunged into darkness

As Lady Myra spoke, I thought of Agrona and Sylvia, Those two and Lady Myra were the stars of my dark world to me

"Then that means I have to trust you, Lady Myra, because you are the light that illuminates my world."

Then Lady Myra smiled and kissed me on the forehead and said nothing more

How could I have known then that the people who beautify and illuminate my world, which is my source of light, will be my greatest regret in the future?"

(Sorry for the typo)

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