İnevitable fate

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Agrona Vritra Pov :

"The enemy will probably try to take advantage of the hostage they have as much as possible"Loriss spoke

I frowned and looked at loriss "so you're saying..."

"Yes, they will offer us a trade. They will give us Aurora alive and ask us to give Iris in return."

Loriss nonchalantly explained our enemy's possible plan, "But this plan won't work, after all, the aurora means nothing to us, that's one less person we should be protecting better."

Iris, who had been listening to our conversation from the very beginning, shouted in protest, "No!!! We can't leave Aurora behind..."At this point, his rising voice became quieter: "I didn't say goodbye to her."

Loriss looked at him with annoyance, but finally gave up, "Okay, we will save him, the kidnappers are already waiting for us to reach them, but..."

"If they turns out to be smarter than we think and the success of the mission is in danger, we will give up. I'm sure you understand that the priority of our assigned task is to escort you to Epheotus? 

Iris looked at Loriss with her eyes shining with determination, "Don't worry, I understood you very clearly"

So I decided to join the conversation, "Since we've decided, we better not keep Aurora waiting too long."

Meanwhile, the loriss returned to its childish state"Let the operation to save Aurora begin then."


Aurora is rescued

Agrona Vritra Pov:

"I seriously can't believe that I made such a mistake and was caught off guard. If it weren't for you, I would have paid a heavy price for my carelessness."

Aurora said with a grateful smile as she looked at me, while I comforted her by returning her smile, "As you said, you were caught off guard, you don't need to blame yourself that much."

She sighed as he looked at me embarrassed, "I know, but after recent events, I was cautious, but I still couldn't prevent such a situation and made things difficult for you two."

"Don't worry, this task was not given to us in vain, Such a small problem is not even a difficulty for us." I spoke with indifference

"What if there was an ambush?" She asked anxiously.

"Loriss's eyes are special, he had already looked around in case of an ambush."

"Why do you think they chose that as a meeting place in the first place?"

"Who knows, it doesn't matter anyway"

"What?" Aurora asked confused.

"We are not the only asuras who come here," I said with a grin.


Maliere Angenas Pov :

"How boring, I was hoping for something more lively."A titan from the Grandus clan spoke next to me

"Don't expect much from this mission. I don't think the djins we have left from Loriss and Agrona will put up a good enough fight to satisfy you."

The blonde giant said with a smile on his face, "It doesn't matter, it's an ideal situation for training."

I sighed and looked at him, "Do whatever you want Asturias.


Agrona Vritra Pov :

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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