Mission Part 3

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"So they haven't returned to epheatus yet, huh? "Julian spoke through the Artifact

"Yes, I don't know why they made such a decision, but they still haven't returned to Epheotus" A voice from Artifact replied to julian

"Good, as long as they don't return to epheotus the bounty which I have placed on the head of the princess will attract the attention of more fools, they will fail, but they will tire out the brat of Thyestes and the asura beside" Julian said in an indifferent voice

The person he was talking to through Artifact spoke again "are you sure about that"

Julian raised one eyebrow and asked, "Why did you ask?"

"The money we gave you before was the service fee, if the princess dies, you won't get what we offer you, you won't get anything, moreover, why did we keep you, We could have done what you did"

Julian didn't answer as he stuffed his food into his mouth and After swallowing his food, he spok "They have Loriss Thyestes with them, and as long as Loriss is with the princess, we won't be able to take care of the princess."

"Even when you're there? "The same man who had spoken to him on two previous meetings again spoke

"Hmm, good question, the duration of the bounty I will put on the Princess's head is thirty hours, during this time we will wait for those who attack them to exhaust Loriss and the vritra asura next to him. Those who come to claim the reward I give will not be able to win against Loriss and the Asura next to him, so you better have the money ready ."

"It's in our interest to have a time limit, Thus, it will be easier to collect bounty hunters "

"Anyway, don't forget the money, leave the rest to me

The man who replied through Artifact spoke angrily " Got it, got it, It's like we're doing charity work here "

"Your voice sounds intermittent " Julian said sarcastically as he tossed the Artifact aside


Loriss Thyestes pov :

Agrona, me, and Aurora With a certain sense of urgency, we moved forward in search of Iris, while Agrona and I held ourselves back so that Aurora could keep up with us

Agrona, me, and Aurora With a certain sense of urgency, we moved forward in search of Iris, while Agrona and I held ourselves back so that Aurora could keep up with us

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(Imagine a scene like this, only instead of Geto there is agrona, and instead of kuroi, there is Aurora, and of course, finally, satoru That is Loriss )

I'm in favor of leaving Aurora behind because it would have been a burden to us, but Agrona stopped me and reminded me that one of Iris' wishes was for Aurora to be by her side

Personally, I couldn't care less about Iris's wishes, But we are obliged because Lord Indrath's orders are for us to comply with Iris's last wishes

And also without Aurora we can do nothing but wander around outside the Holy Tomb because it is impossible to get in there especially since I have tried to see the Holy Tombs before so I know this

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