The Fate of a Race

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Loriss Thyestes pov :

I sighed in admiration as I looked at the vast grasslands of the Cerulean Savanna, no matter how much I look at it, it always fascinates me, I usually come here when I want to be alone with my thoughts, this is my clan's territory, it is also where the core village of the Thyestes clan is located

I was lost in thought while continuing to watch the view, the agrona had disappeared without any notice and this worried Sylvia very much. Since it was impossible to get information from the Vritra clan, there was nothing we could do. He was strong enough to take care of herself but that didn't stop Sylvia from worrying and there was something I noticed about Agrona lately, she had a lost expression on her face but he hid it very well, I wouldn't have noticed it if I hadn't known her for 400 years

In the last few centuries, the relationship between Sylvia and Agrona has become very different, different from the sibling relationship between me and Sylvia, as if they have an interest in each other, but it may be that I misunderstand, we have been best friends for over 400 years, it's normal to worry.

Actually, I had an idea of where agrona was going to be, but I'm not sure, lately it's become harder to understand what agrona is thinking

But if I'm right, he went to their continent to study this race called djinn, which is probably why he disappeared, we still didn't know much about djin and the continent they lived in, so it was risky. But agrona's His thirst for knowledge was so great that this risk could not deter him.

Agrona wanted to land on the continent before all the other asuras, and the reason for this was already obvious.

Aether ...

Since the founding of the Eight Elders, this energy had given the Indrath clan an absolute advantage, now there was a non-asura race using this energy, this excited Agrona because if even a non-asura race could use aether then so could asuras

My thoughts continued until I was interrupted by a particular asura

" Isn't it a fascinating sight ?
No matter how much I look, I never get bored"

I asked him as he bowed before me

" "Even when I'm doing the Mirage walk you realize I'm here, it's really scary sir but yes, this place is truly breathtaking.""

"It's good to see that you agree with me, Aldir, and I'm just aware of my surroundings when it comes to noticing you"

" let's get to the main point So what do I owe your visit Aldir ?"

"I am here at the behest of Lord Indrath, an important meeting is to be held, and he wants you to attend the meeting"

"Does this important meeting have anything to do with the race called djin?"

"Unfortunately I don't have any information about the content of the meeting,"

"I get it, direct me to the place where the meeting will be held. "


I was lost in my thoughts as Aldir walked ahead. This meeting would likely decide the fate of a race, and it also meant that all asuras would be aware of the existence of another race that could use aether.

I had looked at the palace of the Indrath clan from the outside and to be honest it looked very majestic, and when we entered, we continued to walk through the corridors of the castle

When we arrived at the door of the hall where the meeting was to be held, I got rid of my thoughts.

I made sure that the bandages that blindfolded me were still intact, it was the same bandages I wore in my old life, it gave me a nostalgic feeling

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