Author's note

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Hey there my little cheeseblocks,

I'm experimenting!

For those who know my writing, you'll know that I typically don't write romance. I love writing horror, dabbling in fantasy, and creating dystopias. But romance has never been something I've been very good at.

So I've decided to change that.

This story is a short, approximately 10 chapter story that is meant to A) Help me get better at writing romance, and B) Be just a sappy, happy book for you guys to read to maybe add a smile or some hope to your lives.

Unlike regular life, or longer stories, this book does not contain any conflict! Sure, there'll be a quell or two maybe, but there's not going to be any huge conflicts that make you weep and wail and want to stop because it's such a depressive turn in the book that you're completely turned away.

If this goes well, I plan on writing more of these kinds of stories to build myself as a writer, and also to bring some joy to writing. I love writing, but sometimes writing long stuff saps my energy and I lose interest. So far, this story has kept my attention for every second!

I'll be uploading about once a week for this story (Or twice depending on progress), on Sundays or mondays. (Or Wednesdays/Thursdays for the two per week ones)

I won't pester you guys much further, you're here for a story, not me blabbing about writing. Please don't comment negative things, leave notes where you enjoyed certain pieces, and hopefully this story brings you a little joy.

Without further ado, please enjoy the story of Callum and Oskar!

Happy reading!

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