chapter 6 ( I love you )

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Mars pov

After Venus and mercury go to other places..this is the time..time to tell earth my first I felt like I didn't want to tell him..but I got confidence to tell him..finally..

The truth

"Earth.."  I said softly.. earth tilt his head a lil bit making my heart first I stutter to tell earth how I felt..but..I already make the decision to tell him..there is no turning back..I take a deep breath.."I..I love you! But more than that!" I said loudly , my face was burning because of the heat and embarrassment I felt..I close my eyes as I wait for earth to answer..but he didn't..?

I open my eyes to find him blushing deeply...and  finally..I heard him stutter.. "gosh..I love you too.." earth stutter under his breath as he try to control himself down..

I just laughed and put my hand on his stopped covering his face with his hand as I look him deeply in the know it time for something..

I pulled his now our body is touching..only out lips just a lil centimeters away..I just smile before suddenly earth pull closer..and our lips touched..

After 2 minute..we pulled was breathing so I just chuckles at earth look like he just eat a chili , earth just give me a smooch on the cheek as he pulled away..

Venus pov

I pulled mercury away as it was dangerous for him without his stupid is him?! His leg is in pain but he still has a confidence to walk without it?! I look toward him angrily as we finally get inside..

Mercury pov

Venus pulled me inside..he also push me toward my wheelchair making my leg worse pain then he push the wheelchair that I was sitting toward the lift to go upstairs. My bedroom. Since everyone is busy he the only one who has to take care of me.

<They arrive to mercury bedroom>

The same pov ( mercury)

Finally we went inside my bedroom..Venus help me get out from my wheelchair as he gently put me on my bed..he then push the wheelchair next to my bed..when suddenly Venus pull out a medical box?

He then look toward my knees as the warps that Jupiter did a hour ago was covered in blood..

he go toward my bathroom and take some water and open the warp. It's was kinda painful but I manage to hold my tears, since I doesn't wanna look weak Infront of Venus again. Venus gently open the warps and wash the blood from my knees..he also put some medicine to keep the bacteria to stop entering my Wound,

Finally he warp a new cloth on my knees , it felt kinda good since the last one was full of blood and kinda disgusting.i looked toward the new warping.."I didn't know you were this good at warping.." I mumble softly..but in my surprise I heard Venus's look like Venus heard what I said! This is the first time I heard Venus chuckles..I mean not the first time..but this is the first time I heard him chuckles without making fun of me..I hope.

Venus look at me then winks?! I felt like something was in my felt like..? Butterfly?! What was I feeling?! No NO! I cannot have feeling for him can I?! Before I knew it I was already blushing!! I cannot help it! Then Venus put his hand on my cheek as he goes closer toward me?! I felt my face burning! Venus then whisper something in my ear "you're so cute when you blush"

My face keep getting redder! This is the first time Venus call me cute! Venus just smiled at me..I take a deep breath to calm myself down..but Venus keep teasing me! At first he was angry with me..and now he is flirting?! My cheek keep going redder!!

Venus pov

I keep teasing mercury over and over... mercury look so cute when he is embarrassed..i finally realize how cute he is. No wonder why the jovian (Saturn and Neptune) keep calling him cute..

But the way he blushing making me wonder..does he have a crush on me? I mean..he always follow me whenever I go..and he just obey me..or is he just scared? Who still going to ask him..I gently got closer to him again as I whisper " do you like me mercury?" In his ear..when I pull back.. mercury was just freezing in his place as his face was redder than the sun, but it looks like I have an answer. I pull him closer but avoiding his wound to keep him quiet "you like me don't you?" I said

Mercury pov

I felt like my heart skip a beat when Venus finally know that I have a crush on me! But I was just like him for only 14 minute! ( Mercury actually like Venus for a long time but he doesn't realize it) I don't what was happening..but the truth has been matter what I do , it has already been revealed. I just nods while I covered my face with my hand . I know that Venus will never like me..he always admire earth..I mean..him and mars is always fighting for him..

Venus pov

Finally Truth be told. Mercury really like me eh? Hm..I think it time I should move on. I don't want any fighting with mars because of earth. I also heard earth also liked mars so what the point of liking him. I gently open mercury hand to reveal his face..then I leaned closer and kiss him on the lips.

Mercury pov

VENUS KISS ME ON THE LIPS?!?! WHAT?!!? I don't even know what to do!! I just kiss back?!?! Like what is wrong with me?!??!? AHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGHGGGGG

Venus pov

I give mercury I big smoochhh. It mercury so it okay to kiss him.mua muah muah muah muah

Hope you gays like it !! (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
Im really bored so I just put a extra words! Like..muah muah and all that (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)

Also!! Pls remind me tomorrow! I mean like..blow up my phone!! So I could post chapter 7 tomorrow !!

Oh and follow my TikTok !

First acc : @zara_.tktauwe
I think.. (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)

Hope you guys had a amazing day! Also my English is getting worse since I just focusing toward science and mathematics lately..I'm really sorry!!

Also chapter 7 coming soon!!!  Muahh

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