chapter 4..Yum !!

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This part will be focusing toward the moon's ( terrestrial planet's moon & jovian's moon) also all the moon lived together like the planet does but the planet and the moon has diff house. The moon house contains around like 19 level. ( Jupiters moon has control of the level 2-6 while Saturn moons has control over level 7-11 , the terrestrial's moon has control over the level of 12-13. Uranus moon's has control over level of 14-16 , Neptune moon has control the level over 17-18)
The 19th level is the pool level and playground room and gaming etc


Titan pov

2:27 am

I wake up due to the sound of loud must be Mars moon. I was tired of the both of them so I wash my face in my bedroom bathroom and quickly goes to the level 12 to calm them down before they wake up everyone. ( The scream of Phobos and Deimos can wake up the whole level inside the building/ mansion they live in.) I got in the lift and press the button 12.

Lift sound lol

I finally arrive to the level 12. I got out of the lift and suddenly..the sound of screaming when quiet..? It's kinda creeping me out. I go toward the bedroom of Phobos and Deimos and the chill go down my spines when I got closer to the door. The door has a little creak that someone could stalk.. I open the door gently and I found..

earth's moon inside..?! He was scolding Phobos and Deimos! could I forget that earth moon is living with us..I just chuckles and at Phobos and Deimos face..they didn't notice me until Deimos did..Deimos scream my name and quickly goes toward me.. Phobos look at earth's moon and show his tounge at earth's moon. Phobos and run toward me..

"Titan!! That monster is scolding us!!" Phobos screams. Deimos was nodding at me.."how couldn't I scold you when you literally was screaming at 2 AM ?!" Earth's moon scold them again..I go toward Earth's moon was standing I guess he was furious.. I lend closer to earth's moon face until I pin him to the wall. "What are you doi-" I quickly kiss earth moon.. I put my hand on the back or earth's moon head so he cannot break the kiss..Phobos and Deimos was wacthing me and earth's moon. Then suddenly earth's moon knees touch my d*ick..I suddenly feel the heat inside my body raising..I look toward Phobos and Deimos and give them a sign to sleep on my bedroom instead of their bedroom..Deimos hold Phobos hand and quickly goes out of he door and close the door behind them..

"Now it's just me and you.~" I whisper on earth's moon ear. Earth's moon were blushing and I just chuckles. My d*ick was begging me to let it out but I cannot do it toward earth's moon cause he is just precious..i chuckles again and backup before Earth's moon palm when straight to me. But to my surprise he just stayed silent..he look at me and just walk away from me. The door when flying open when Earth's moon walked out.his face was blushing red. I also got out of the room but I was surprised that Phobos and Deimos was outside of the door.i thought they go to my room? I just sigh and says to them that they should just stayed inside their room since I already stopped teasing earth's moon..Deimos just giggles and Phobos was rolling his eyes. They both got inside their room and I tucked them inside their blanket. I put on the candle and Phobos became asleep first before Deimos when sleeping..I just sigh and get out of the room after dealt with the inner planet moon's.

I close the door behind me gently and I got inside the lift and press 11..I waited for it to arrive..

Lift sound again lol

I finally arrive at the level 11 I got out the lift and headed toward my bedroom.i close the door behind me and I press the lamp beside to my bed..I lay to my bed quickly since I was tired of the screaming of the terrestrial moon and calming them down.i slowly close my eyes and began to fall asleep..

*Insert snoring sound*

11:48 AM

"My clock was's was really annoying me but the clock was gifted by Saturn at my 11th I was 14..I was also surprised that I'm older than mercury..but to bad that Earth's moon was older than me..he was 15 but shorter lmao.." I thought to myself , I slowly open my eyes and off the clock that was ringing..I grab my phone next to me and open the group chat that Ganymede was "the biggest jovian's moon!!!!" I don't even know why he even make it at the first place..I open it and they were fighting again. Ugh.. typical them..when suddenly someone knock on my door...I go toward the door and open it was dione? He was holding a plate of chicken sandwich?

y favorite sandwich!!

Chewing sounds

I quickly grab the plate from dione and said thanks you before closing the door behind me. Before I closed it dione give a tenderly smile at me..I just smiled back and closed it , I go toward my study desk. I already clean my desk a week ago cause that day Saturn checked my bedroom and told me I should clean my desk up..

I quickly put the plate on my desk and started eating it...


I eat it as fast as I can. I didn't know that dione was a great cook- oh wait. I forgot she isn't the one who cooked's probably one of the maids..I guess it was probably atro! Atro is a great cook! I always adore him..even though he is our maid I still adore him! Some says that he is broke and Poor and that why they hated him..but I couldn't care less..atro loves us and takes care of the terrestrial moon! He take care the inner planet moon very well! But us gas giant/ice giant moon's doesn't have a maid like that..we only has a tough maid and some "perfect" one..i was thinking while eating it..while I forgot that it already's was so delicious- but to bad that the sandwich was small..but not very's was like the size of my feet..(his feet is pretty medium size lol) I grab the plate and open my door once again..and I found a maid's was one of our maid.( The gas giant's moon maid) She was shy so he only give a sign to me that she should be the one who clean the dishes..

I just sigh and give it to was like having a princess treatment but only that change the princess to a prince.i closed my door after giving him my plate..he already in the lift so I couldn't care less..I grab my phone once again and became to scroll inside social media..

"What a boring day.."
I said to myself.


1299 words

Hello! Welp I hope you guys liked the moon's days chapter!! The fifth chapter it will be focusing toward the planets again!! So if I have motivation I could make another chapter of the moon!! Oh and also I'm going to make a new story!!...but still I'm not going to give you spoiler!1 (⁠「⁠'⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠)⁠「

Also the story that I'm gonna make is going out this Saturday !! (I hope.)

Okayy that all!!! Bye bye !!

Love yourself!! I luv you (⁠*⁠'⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)

Also follow my insta!!
Cause I'm gonna post spoiler on there

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