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Anne groaned and lowered her head to her desk in frustration. She had been struggling to find the right wording to use in a very tricky contract and it was driving her absolutely mad. Plus, she had been working non-stop for almost 14 hours straight. 

She'd had to get up at an ungodly hour to make a conference call with a few Sony employees based out of LA, but once that was done, she decided to push through and get a jump on some projects she was spearheading. Her one track mind kicked in and she'd barely looked up since settling down in her home office at 5 AM. 

She got up to stretch and froze as she caught sight of the clock: 6:16 PM

She cursed herself for losing track of time and grabbed her phone to check her notifications as she walked to the kitchen.

Anne's eyes widened as she scrolled through the barrage of texts and missed calls she had. She tapped on the notifications and groaned in frustration when she saw that they were all from Namjoon.

 She tapped on the notifications and groaned in frustration when she saw that they were all from Namjoon

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What the fuck, man

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What the fuck, man. 

She tossed her phone onto the kitchen counter, scowling as she rummaged through the fridge for her leftover noodles. Why the hell was he so desperate to talk to her? It was a little unnerving if she were being honest. They had been friends in the past, sure, but they weren't as close as she and JK used to be. 

As the microwave reheated her dinner, she nibbled her lip and went through the pros and cons of actually meeting Namjoon for coffee.

Con: He was extremely close to Jungkook and anything she told him could be relayed right back to him

Con: She didn't know what he wanted from her and he seemed much too eager to talk to her

Con: He was super fucking famous and any association with him could get her doxed or worse

Pro: Meeting up with him would satisfy her burning curiosity. It would also be a step in the right direction if she was really determined to put her past behind her.

She shoveled noodles into her mouth as she stood over her kitchen counter and contemplated her next move. No matter how many cons she came up with, she knew her curiosity would win out in the end. 

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