A bargain

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Flashback–Anne and Jung Kook 15 years old

Anne glared down at her bare feet and tried to quell her embarrassment. She took a deep breath in and slowly let it out, hoping it would calm her racing heart. This was the sixth time this month that she had been yelled at by the dance instructor and there were still two and half weeks left in the month.

She had tried to explain to Ms. Yun that she was practicing outside of class but her body just wasn't made for dancing. She had two left feet and absolutely no sense of rhythm. Even worse, her heart just wasn't in it. She didn't love dancing and performing the way the other kids in class did. And that's all this was to her–just a class. Something that would get her closer to graduation.

And why the hell did she have to take this godforsaken class anyway? She had signed up to be a broadcasting major, not a freaking dance major! But here at the School of Performing Arts in Seoul, dance was compulsory. End of story.

It rankled her to no end that she was stuck taking a pointless class but what made it all that much worse was that she had to pass this class to maintain the required GPA. Which was almost impossible to do, since she couldn't dance to save her life. She was stuck between a rock and hard place. It was beyond frustrating.

She inhaled slowly, trying to calm her nerves before attempting the move once more. After trying and failing to hit it exactly as she should, she gave up and dropped to the floor to pretend she was stretching out her calves.

Ms. Yun's lips flattened when she saw Anne on the floor but made no attempt to reprimand her. Anne was starting to think that her instructor was beginning to realize that she really was a lost cause.

Anne sighed and reached towards her toes. It was too bad she didn't have her group mates to hide behind anymore. The instructor had started off the year teaching them in groups, but this quarter was focused on solo expression, so she was on her own.

She shifted her weight and started stretching out her left thigh. As she glanced at the mirror to make sure her posture was correct, she locked eyes with the boy behind her. He had been watching her but as soon as she caught him looking, he quickly ducked his head and started doing some footwork.

Anne blushed and ducked her head as well. Geez, was her stretching form that bad? It must've been if it caught the eye of SOPA's top pupil.

Jeon Jung Kook: grade "A" dancer, vocalist, and all around star.

Everyone knew he was currently training to debut as a K-pop idol, but it was with some smaller unknown company. Though Anne had a bit more insight into it than the other students since her uncle was currently working to make BigHit a powerhouse in the entertainment industry.

She wondered why she had caught his attention. Jung Kook was a shy kid, keeping to himself and often skipping classes to train with his fellow aspiring idols. Which is why she hadn't given him much thought before she caught him watching her.

Anne supposed that he was cute, with impossibly wide doe eyes and a boyish face. She had seen him dance a few times, and he seemed to get better and better each time he performed in class. Which only served to add to her embarrassment. He was the number one student and she was dead last.

So, why was he looking at her? Was she just THAT bad? A flush of embarrassment trickled down her spine and she bit the inside of her cheek. It was so unfair. All she wanted to do was pass this ridiculous class and move on to her broadcasting classes.

Gritting her teeth, she stood up and tried the move one more time, managing to just barely make it work. It was sloppy as hell but she hit it. Now, she just needed to cleanly land the rest of her moves in time for the final exam.

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