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As she puked her guts and all of her self respect into the rose bushes, Anne felt cool hands tugging her hair back and holding it out of her face. Once she was done heaving up her stomach contents, she pulled away and turned to face the man she had never wanted to see again and for whom she pined for desperately.

He was squatting down next to her, making him eye level with her. Despite the world spinning around her, she found that he was the only thing that remained in focus. God, but why did he have to be so beautiful? What had he done to be so blessed?

 God, but why did he have to be so beautiful? What had he done to be so blessed?

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"Jung Kook," she breathed.

He lowered his face mask and grinned at her. "In the flesh, Angel."

She blinked at him before slowly turning and finding Namjoon watching them closely. Her drunken state made her slow to react but she could feel the shock and rage boiling in her stomach, causing her to not only react, but overreact.

"You did this. You set me up!" she accused him.

He shook his head vigorously. "Nononono, I didn't, I promishhh!"

"Liar!" she cried out before lunging at him and grabbing his shirt collar.

"Ahhh, stawp!!" he bellowed as she shook him back and forth.

"Naurrrr! You messshed with the wrong girl, you big loser!"

"Argghh! You're making me dizzy, woman!" Namjoon hollered.

"Okay, that's enough of that," JK said, grasping Anne's shoulders and pulling her back.

But she wouldn't be stopped. She was already on a roll, and she was mad as hell.

"Don'tchu touch me JAYYY KAYY!" she screeched, clawing at his hands.

"Jesus, okay!" He said, instantly releasing her. She then got up to her feet and pointed her finger down at where he was still squatting.

"Lemme tell you someshink, Mr. Clavin Klein," she hiccuped.

He watched her with amusement, waiting for her to go on.

"I need to you not exist in front of my face! Be gone Satan!" she yelled at him before turning her attention to Namjoon, "And you! Frikin liar! Don't texsht me ever again! Take your Bootega Vendetta wearing ass somewhere elsh!"

Namjoon scowled back at her, opening his mouth to tell her off but she turned away and began stumbling down the sidewalk.

"Stay here hyung," JK commanded Namjoon as he ran after Anne.

"Okay, Angel, I get that you don't want me 'to exist in front of your face' right now but I can't let you wander off into the city when you're drunk," he cajoled, gently grabbing her shirt sleeve to guide her back towards Namjoon.

Anne scrunched up her nose in disgust but reluctantly let him lead her back. Somewhere in her logical mind, she knew he was right, so part of her was content to let him take care of her. Even if she knew that her sober mind would be horrified with her right now. She crossed her arms and plopped back down next to Namjoon.

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