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It was still raining a week later.

Anne had always loved the rain, loved thunderstorms, but after a full week of downpours, she was absolutely sick of them. The rainy season in Seoul was absolutely horrendous. She had at least two dehumidifiers going at all times in her closet just to make sure her clothes stayed dry.

The all consuming humidity was also an absolute killer. As soon as she stepped outside, she immediately began to sweat and what little make up she decided to wear that day would melt off her face in minutes. And she didn't even want to think about the havoc it was wreaking on her hair.

She loved to flatiron her hair until it was straight as a pin and it fell down her back in one shiny sheet. She'd carefully brush it out and run the straightener carefully down each section of hair, making it glossy and perfect. It made her feel like she had some semblance of control over her sometimes chaotic life. But the rain made all of her efforts absolutely useless. She had to settle for tying her hair back into low ponytails and buns. If she let it loose, it would be like an explosion of frizzy, poofy waves, and that was out of the question.

Anne let out a contented sigh as she watched the rain fall out of her living room window. Her apartment was in a high rise so she could see perfectly how it slanted across the glass and fell down to the street. It was incredibly peaceful, like a calming balm for her soul.

After a long moment, she turned away from the window and headed into the kitchen. Today seemed like the perfect day for a steaming cup of chai tea. She reached up and grabbed her favorite mug from the cabinet and couldn't help giggling as she turned it over in her hands.

It had been a gift from her uncle upon her acceptance of the position with ADOR, and it was one of her most prized possessions.

It was a large white mug and in simple black font it read: HBIC

Uncle Ju-won loved to kid around and she adored his somewhat corrupt sense of humor.

Still snickering, she set it down on the counter and went over to the stove to put the kettle on. As the water boiled, she sat down at the kitchen island and pulled out her phone. As she mindlessly scrolled through her social media apps, she realized that JK hadn't messaged her since the day he saved her from the cemetery. In fact, it had been radio silence on his part.


Maybe he finally got the closure he needed from her. After all, she was pretty firm with him. Deep in thought, she tapped her lips thoughtfully with her pointer finger and wondered if he ever ended up confronting Namjoon about the missing letter.

Not that it really mattered...the past was the past, and she really shouldn't be sitting around wondering about Jung Kook. Best not to dwell on him, or their failed friendship, or how good he was looking lately...

Right as she was turning off the stove, the door chimed, notifying her of a visitor.

Anne frowned and placed the kettle back on the stove before heading to the wall panel that gave her video access to her door. When she saw who was waiting at her doorway, she started.

What in the world?

She quickly shuffled to the entryway and opened the door to find Namjoon standing here, staring down at her with a serious expression.

"Namjoon? What are you doing here?" she asked, confused.

"Can I come in? I need to talk to you," he responded quietly.

She nodded and stepped back, allowing him to slip past her. She closed the door and followed him, maneuvering around his bulky body so she could direct him to her kitchen.

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