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Forgot to say this but Ultima has no love interest, and he also is not a kitsune but has some of their characteristics like enhanced hearing and other stuff

|3rd POV|

[1800 hours, 50 miles north of the Sakura Empire]

It was a stormy night with the seas being rough as ever, the sky was shrouded by dark clouds and a torrent rain poured down onto the ocean below, you could hear only rain and occasional thunders

That was until a buzzing sound came and more... and more as in the darkened clouds were around 75 Sakuranese Fighters, Dive Bombers and Torpedo Bombers... they were covered in a golden flame and are flying in formation in the clouds to mask their location... their target? A Siren fleet spotted in the area...

As the group of planes approached their targets, they began their assault as the Dive Bombers begin their dive, the Torpedo bombers lowered and prepared to launch it's torpedoes and the Fighters prepare to rake put any enemy aircraft

Caught off guard the Siren fleet was sent into Chaos as torpedoes and bombs rocked the siren warships, their carriers tried to launch their jets but the Zeros quickly intercepted the jets, in a matter of minutes the siren fleet was sent beneath the waves...

??? : All Planes back to the carrier, we are done here... Siren fleet destroyed.

In the dark seas a Sakuranese carrier was spotted, similar to Kaga but a little larger and different weapons, the "Golden Reaper" himself, IJN Ultima...

Ultima : I was expecting more of a challenge, but then again that was some very high expectations for a mediocre sized Siren fleet... 4 Carriers and 6 Battleships not that major

Ultima : Though, can't be to wary in this weather... Seeing how i could be ambushed from any side, expect the unexpected they said

Ultima then hot onto his ship's super structure as he saw his Planes landing one by one, he looked around incase of any sirens trying to sneak up on his lone ship... he mostly works alone with no one, it was calmer in his words

As all his Planes had landed, their flames dissipated as he turned his ship around back to Sakura empire as he went to the canteen to get some food

Ultima : Lets see... Salmon, Sushi, some Tempura... meh i'm gonna just eat some Salmon with rice, simple and delicious

Timeskip brought to you by Ultima cooking food

After he ate the Salmon with Rice, Ultima then went to the Bridge to check how far he was from the Sakura Empire

Ultima : 25 miles out ey? So i'll be back when it is 2100 hours, just gotta hope i don't encounter any sirens up ahead. Probably a good choice to check my scout planes first...

Ultima then went to check his scout planes, as 2 paper planes floated near him, as they glow golden with some gold electric and gold flames... he closes his eyes as he looks to what his planes are seeing

Ultima : So far so good, wait... there they are, Siren fleet of 5 carriers ey? Trying to sneak up on my rear... welp time to send them to the abyss, and maybe i will be more aggressive

Ultima then looked at the direction of the siren fleet as his ship glows becoming wisdom cubes as his flaming Golden rigging appears, The Wisdom cubes became his flaming planes as they began the assault, Ultima himself riding on top of one of the aircraft which is not covered in the gold flames

Ultima : Now time for some fun, Dive bombers on me, Torpedo bombers begin your assault now!

The dive bombers climbed high before beginning their dive as the torpedo bombers advance, prepping their torpedos, The Siren fleet then launches it's fighters to counter the incoming attack

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