A Duel with the Royal Navy, and a Stormy Rescue

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Ultima : It is my Pleasure to meet 2 of Royal Navy's most Famous and Legendary Warships

Belfast : It is but an honor as well to meet the famous Elite Carrier of Sakura Empire

Belfast : It is but an honor as well to meet the famous Elite Carrier of Sakura Empire

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Zuikaku & Shoukaku : Senpai!

Both Crane sisters landed beside Ultima as he looked and examined his targets, he knew if they were here... the Main Royal Navy fleet wont be far off

Ultima (Mind) : Dammit, With them here, it could only been they came from the main Royal Navy fleet... and they include if i remember 2 more battleships at least...

Ultima then looks at them as he looks at The Crane Sisters

Ultima : Go and deal as much damage to Hornet's fleet as possible, and their escorts before more enemies arrive

Zuikaku & Shoukaku : Hai Senpai!

The Crane Sisters left as Belfast pursued them, leaving Ultima to fight a damaged but capable Enterprise, and the Elegant Pride of the Royal Navy... Hood


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Ultima : It is an honor to fight both the Pride of the Royal Navy, and the Eagle Union's Strongest Carrier...

Hood : The Pleasure is all mine Ultima

Enterprise : ...

Ultima then holds his katana tight as he looks at them

Ultima (Mind) : A Perfect Duo... Enterprise who is amazing at CQC, snd Hood, A Powerful  Long Range Fighter...

Ultima Dashes full speed as Hood fires a Salvo, He dodges and first goes to take out the damaged Enterprise, Enterprise sees this and fires an Arrow that becomes smaller arrows, Ultima Throws his Paper planes to block them as he hits Enterprise in the head

Enterprise then Grabs his Arm and swings him as Ultima gets launched back and slices incoming Shells from Hood, he looks at Enterprise and launches 8 Bombers which made her dodge, when suddenly Ultima appears behind Enterprise and Slices her bow in Half with his Katana, before swinging her to the direction of the others, One down... One to go

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