Operation... AL

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|3rd POV|
[Sakura Empire Combined Fleet]

It was a clear sky as the sun shined to the surface of the sea, as a massive Sakura Empire fleet was en route towards a major battle... Spearheading the Fleet was the Carrier Ultima, 250m in front of the main fleet, he acts as the first line of defense, although being a carrier his power is more than enough to match the entire fleet by himself...

Ultima (Thoughts) : ... This is it... Operation AL

Ichi : This will be a very major battle am i correct?

Ultima nodded as he talked to Ghidorah in his head, having not told anyone other than Tirpitz of his new powers, he likes it that way

Ultima (Thoughts) : Yup, this will be a very dangerous battle against Azur Lane and Crimson Axis...

Ichi : So it seems... really i have never seen you angry or panicked once... you are always Calm and Collected... I like that

Kevin : Yeah!! You are so Cool Ultima!!

Ultima(Thoughts) : Thank you for the compliment, Kevin

Kevin : Your Welcome :]

Ni : So are we allowed to kill the Azur Lane ships?! If so then it will be so fun!!

Ichi : No Ni, we need them to fight off the Siren invaders... even if we could have ourselves

Ultima (Thoughts) : Let us try to avoid unnecessary injuries and focus on the Sirens... even if my sisters are teaming up with them

Ichi : They are Foolish... not seemingly considering the consequences... pathetic ships. Only you Ultima, seem to have some form of logical reasoning

Ni : True, Those Ships are so Stupid... like Dumb as Fuck...

Kevin : Guys... What's Fuck?

Ultima (Thoughts) : ...

Ichi : ...

Ni : ...

Kevin : Guys...?

Ni : Kevin, ignore that word that is not important!!

Ichi : Yes Kevin, keep your innocence

Ultima (Thoughts) : I second that, don't ever say that Kevin we beg of you

Kevin : But why? Ni just said it-

Ni : It's not important Kevin! Just don't say it

Kevin : Uhmm... Ok! :]

Meanwhile, on Fuso's Battleship Takao and Atago were looking over the entire fleet as Takao spoke

Meanwhile, on Fuso's Battleship Takao and Atago were looking over the entire fleet as Takao spoke

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Takao : Sigh... What is Akagi Thinking?

Atago : What do you mean Takao?

Azur lane : The Golden Reaper (younger brother)Where stories live. Discover now