The Clash Of Titans

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|3rd POV|

[2 hours after the release of Monster Zero]

After Ultima released King Ghidorah from his  Prison of Ice, They were currently en route back to the Sakura Empire. The skies were calm and the sea was a peaceful quiet, a good break from the theater of War which was all too familiar to Ultima

So this is the beauty of the world? The Right head spoke

It's so cool!! Was heard from the Left head

Ultima : Say, do you guys all have individual names? Like each head having it's own name?

Well, yes we do. I am Ichi, the right head is Ni and the left head is San or Kevin

Ultima : I see, well can i call you by those names instead?

Kevin : Sure!!

Ultima : Thanks

Ultima glances out the view of the glass and notices his Katana glowing a golden hue

Ichi : It seems that your Katana was infused with our power of Electricity

Ultima : Wait infused? with your power?

Ichi : Yes, that iridescent Golden Glow is very recognizable by us... it is the glow of our Electric Powers

Ultima : So you are saying that...

Ni : Your Sword is made of our Scales!!

Ultima : What?! But how?

Kevin : Oh we dont know :)

Ultima looked confused at this new information and decided to leave it be, as he scouted for any enemy vessels in the area. Ultima also noticed that once Ghidorah was released, Hurricanes and Thunderstorms became a more frequent occurrence in the area. Most likely a side effect of Ghidorah's Other worldly Powers

Ultima : Hey Ichi

Ichi : Yes Ultima? What is it that you require?

Ultima : Well are these more frequent Storms and Hurricanes apart of your power?

Ichi : Yes, these Storms and Hurricanes are caused cause of the power we release when awoken, and since we are now infused within your body you too have our powers, thus increasing the amount of storms

Ultima : Soo you're Saying... that when you became a part of me your powers were increased?

Ni : Yep! Now our Titan form also will look different, as in will have your ship parts on some of it

Ultima nodded and his journey to the Sakura Empire continued, until... his radar suddenly caught multiple unknown bogeys entering the radar's detection range

Ultima : What the? 56 unknown Bogeys, i gotta take a look

Ultima then sent out 4 scout planes and launched 12 fighters to circle his carrier

Ultima : Well lets see how this goes....

Ichi : What happened Ultima?

Ultima : 56 unknown targets are for some reason circling the same area, it seems to be called... Letchi Island?

Ichi : Letchi Island? that means that... Ultima we need you to get there now and see what or who is surrounding Letchi Island

Ultima : Alright

Ultima turned his ship 75 degrees to the north and began his charge towards Letchi Island, and as he got closer he saw an island with thick forests

Ultima turned his ship 75 degrees to the north and began his charge towards Letchi Island, and as he got closer he saw an island with thick forests

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