Unexpected Encounter

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|3rd POV|

[1 hour after the attack on the Azur lane Base, Sakura Empire Strike Force]

Ultima : We took out most of their warships, but no aircraft had struct their infrastructure, like their Academy, Oil supplies, ETC. Without those targets destroyed nee-sama, Azur Lane could be mobilized in a matter of days... not to include that their Shipyards were not hit, would allow them to repair their damaged Warships

Kaga : I understand brother, this could be a major problem.. especially that Grey Ghost...

Ultima : Enterprise, the Eagle Union Carrier which earned the most battle stars... she will be a major problem...

Kaga : I agree... How about your scout plane above Azur Lane

Ultima : Currently circling the base

Akagi : Kaga! Can you come here for a moment, i need to see your wounds!

Kaga : Alright Akagi-nee-sama

Kaga then walked off as Ultima was left to himself, he then closed his eyes and meditated to see what the plane circling Azur lane was seeing

[Azur Lane base, 1 hour after the attack]

The base was a chaotic area, with manjuu's everywhere helping the ship girls... while Warships are up in flames... sinking or just burning. It was a sad site to see.

meanwhile the wreckage of Siren Aircraft and Warships were still located at the base after the Attack were seemingly disappearing, more of evaporating

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meanwhile the wreckage of Siren Aircraft and Warships were still located at the base after the Attack were seemingly disappearing, more of evaporating.

Wales : Do they not know the dangers of the Siren's powers?

Illustrious : Let's just focus on rebuilding for the time being... the main force of Royal Navy will soon be Arriving

Wales : Enterprise really saved us this time... She is strong and like an arrow flying through the air, has no hesitations, but...

Illustrious : A tightly stung bow can easily snap...

[Azur lane Base ShipYards]

At the Shipyards, dozens of ships were being repaired... one such of them was Cleveland. After her Showdown with Ultima, which was not even a battle... as Ultima basically Soloed the Entire base. Her Ship was very damaged... with her main turrets destroyed or heavily damaged and her secondaries not operational.

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