Teaser : "LET THEM FIGHT" and Request

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"The Arrogance of Man is thinking Nature is in our Control, And not the Other Way Around.

Let. Them. Fight."

- Dr. Ishirō Serizawa

|3rd PoV|

[At the Monarch Outpost 32]

Something was detected... something Big... the destroyed Outpost from the release of MZ still had some active sensors and electronics... Connected to the other Abandoned but operational Outposts...

And they Detected a Signal... 2 of them

Signal 1 :

Origin Point : Arctic Circle...

Signal Type : Emitting, Alpha Titan...


Signal 2 :

Origin Point : Castle Bravo...

Signal Type : Emitting, Alpha Titan...

Both Signals originate from 2 Alpha Titans... Both are communicating... planning something... something big is about to go down...

[Arctic Circle]

Around 20 miles from the Azur Lane fleet and Sakura Empire fleet, which was teleported from their battle in the mirror sea... MZ was currently flying in the sky with Ultima

Ichi : I have established a link so now you can talk... with Godzilla

Ultima nodded as he closed his eyes and was now in a link with... Godzilla

Godzilla : This is your Host Ghidorah? He seems... Worthy...

Ichi : Trust me old friend, He is everything to be worthy

Godzilla : I see...

Kevin : Hello Godzilla! :]

Godzilla : Hello Kevin

Ultima : So...

Godzilla : Right... it is time to do the deed is it not Ghidorah?

Ichi : Yes it is Godzilla... it is time... Ultima you know what is going to happen right?

Ultima : Yea... remember to tell them to all go to the Arctic Circle...

Godzilla : We know...

Ghidorah then landed on an island away from the Arctic Circle and reared up as he talked to Ultima and Godzilla, The former standing on Ichi's head

Ichi : I shall do the Destroyer Titans

Ni : Yea We'll take care of em

Kevin : Yea!

Godzilla : Alright i'll deal with the Protector Titans... are you ready?

Ghidorah nodded as Ultima gave a thumbs up...

Ultima : It's time... the Sirens wont stand a chance now

[Castle Bravo]

4 Hours before operation AL

In the middle of the Bermuda sits an Oil Rig... but not a normal one... this is Monarch Outpost 54 AKA... Castle Bravo...

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